
Georgia and Russia.who will you choose?

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i'm sick of everyone taking georgia's side because the didn't have the forethought to know that russia would crush them if they pissed them off! why is Russia is attacking georgia and not the other way around.You don't see all the dea russians being televised?

Russia is making an stay safe if you don't p**s us off. You don't mess with Russia!




  1. I choose Georgia.

    My heart goes to all the Georgian people.Russia should pick on countries of their size.

  2. There is no way that guy can be Russian, considering the fact that he's taking Georgia's side. I mean they did attack S. Ossetia in the middle of the night killing over 1500 people and Russia went in to help. People need to stop believing everything they see on Western TV, Its so sad.

  3. I'm sick of Russian propaganda BS posted here over and over again.

    You guys don't even read Russian independent sources to get a drop of truth? Channel 1 is your main source of info huh?

    1600 dead civilians? Oh please. How come no one ever saw them? Great Russian army is so incompetent, it's not able to take a single picture of 1600 dead in a small town for what, 10 days already? How do you guys manage to drive tanks of fly airplane in that case?

    Why HRW reports 44 dead including civilians and military? They're not Georgians BTW, international humanitarian org.

    Everyone is taking Georgia's side because Russia thinks they can bomb anyone they're pissed off with. And constantly Russia is pissed off pretty much all of the independent countries around them.

    Threatening with nukes Poland and Czechs, Ukraine, etc. Telling the world how to react and what to do about last conflict.

    U guys clearly overestimate Russia's role in the world and live by that..

    Why independent Georgia can't pick allies as they please? Has to be under Russia as in good old days of USSR?

    Truth be told, it was Russia who put every effort into S.O.  situation to make a global scale war out of it. If was Russia supplying arms and money to separatists in foreign country (Yes, since 1991 Georgia is a foreign country for Russia, get over it). It was Russia bombing Georgia once in a while for 17 years.

    It was Russian peacekeepers watching S.O. separatists shooting at Georgians all those years doing nothing.

    It was Russia orchestrating and participating in:

    1) Genocide of Ingushs in 1992 by North and South Ossetins with the help of Russian army.

    2) Genocide of Georgians, Greeks and Armenians in Abkhazia by Abkhazs, Chechens and of course Russian army.

    3) Continued Genocide of Chechen people by Russian army

    in last two Chechen wars.

    And now Russia wants to be a white knight after all this?

    So, dear Pavlova, besides an orange you clearly need to open your eyes and get info from sources other than Official Russia.

  4. Russia, Georgia deserved it. They thought they are stronger if USA is with them, lol  

  5. You are insane. i am Russian, but thank god i dont live there.

    Ask yourself a few simple questions:

    1) Why are Georgians (or w.e u call those nice dudes) being expelled, killed and beat up on russian territory and why arent russians who live in georgia?

    2) I live in Canada and i see videos of 5 year olds with no hands and people getting stabbed and cut in pieces in georgia! Of course Russian TV doesnt show that c**p! Why?

    3) Do you think it was ok when some politician (i dont even bother remembering his freaggin name) said that Olympic games are now especially significant, because of the conflict with georgia. WTH? where is the true olympic games spirit???

    4) Why does russia have tanks on Georgian territory and georgia doesnt? HUH? I ll answer this one! Because Georgia is weak and its easy to fight it!

    5) Do u think Russia would do the same thing to US or UK or Turkey? Answer: NO they'll p**p their pants in fear!

    6) Why dont u mess with Russia? Why can u mess with Georgia? Are u a friggin racist or just an idiot????

  6.    My heart goes to Sakashavilililili - he would make me laugh, if he were not already  responsible for casualties among ossetians and his own people

  7. As a Greek I choose Russia. Not only for our traditional relationships, but also because in this present situaton Russia has been provoked by Georgia, which mistreated S. Ossetians in every possible way.

  8. AND Verily verily i speaketh..unto thee..thien own peoples are akined to the other who asks for a pound of flesh..and ye shall have a pound of flesh .but not a gram more or less .for they own force of rhythem be taken.still be stillt hien heart of malice work does do of thien gone thien evil it is done no more shal ye be a hinderance to thien world..for 3 months shall ye wear the coat of ursus and 3 months shall ye have hoofs of thien yoke.and shall ye dwell in ye own filth for thien niegbours wifes and kin did murder.gods rath is upon thy ruski.

  9. EVERYBODY HAS A GRUDGE ON RUSSIA ESPECIALLY AMERICA IT STARTED SOMEWHERE AROUND COLD WAR IN 50S IF I AM NOT MISTAKEN.IT IS JUST A REASON TO EXCLUDE RUSSIA FROM ALL KINDS OF EUROPEAN UNITS.GEORGIA IS JUST A PUPPET IN USA HANDS(u should watch shakashvili chewing his tie).first everybody was on Russian side right now it is just a pretext to put russia down.I hate western TV.

  10. Georgia massacred South Ossetians provoking thus Russia to intervene and protect them, and this way Georgia acted like an American agent, aiming to give U.S.A. a good excuse to put their foot on there.

    Georgia had the perfect backing by Bush and Co when it first bombed Ossetia, using U.S.A. ammunition, and at the same time having all the western (and controlled by the multinational financial interests) media on its side, distorting the truth and painting a devil's image for Russia and a martyr's one for Georgia.

    The roots of this conflict are to be rendered to the U.S.A. and their leadership which attempt in every possible way to struggle Russia by expanding and establishing their NATO alliances and their friendly and faithful puppet leaders (like Saakasvili) in the vicinity of Russia, causing (for the moment) trouble to it, like the South Ossetia issue, and simultaneously accepting on their soil the establishment of U.S.A. missiles targeting Russia (As Poland already did, and Ukraine is about to do).

    Georgia, especially under the present regime and government is an instrument for this purpose.

    No other country in the whole world has welcomed Codoleeza Rice with pannels writing "God Bless America".

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