
Georgia and South Ossetia

by Guest61187  |  earlier

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Do you think the United States and NATO should send troops and fighter aircraft to help Georgia in its fight for South Ossetia?




  1. I can see it now.....little georgie bush in his last hurrrrraaaahhhh.

    My "legacy, my legacy" the world will never forget me and my "legacy"

  2. This has been planned by the U.S for a while. Russia is helping South Ossetia from Georgia the aggressor.

  3. I think we should wait and see what happens.  I hope the Georgians put up a good fight.

  4. Yes, I think NATO should insert themselves on Georgia's behalf.  And, since the U.S. is a big part of NATO that would mean we would be in it too.  Ossetia and the other province that is currently taking advantage of the chaos (I can't spell the name) are part of Georgia even if the inhabitants declare their troth to Russia.  Russia crossed the border into Geogian territory.  Visualize Ossetia as Texas in 50 years when a majority of illegal aliens declare that they want to be part of Mexico instead of the U.S. and Mexico's army crosses the border into Texas, a U.S. state.  Would we ask for the U.N. to mediate the situation for us.  I think not.  We would behave much like Georgia has behaved.

    Russia is much more powerful than Georgia.  There are many other places in Europe and Asia with similar allegiance problems.  If Russia gets away with this, they will try it again and again.  Appeasing a bully does not work.  Standing up to Russia now will put the brakes on many more, so called, "freedom" excursions in the future.

  5. No.  There is no threat to the rest of the world or even the region.  We should stay out.

  6. No. Wrong side of the issue. NATO would be insane to become militarily involved in the conflict.

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