
Georgia downs 2 Russian warplanes?

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Who is in the right? I believe Georgia is.




  1. look for the man behind the curtain and what the goal is.

    Give you a clue 9/11, 7/7 , Bali .Madrid

    .i.e. international bankers  and their drive for world war and global dictatorship.

  2. Any plane shot down


    OVER another countries land


    Can be looked at as potential justified use of force if all guide lines were taken into effect


    Notification to the air plane that they are entering an air space that requires justification for entry


  3. Apparently it's up to 4 aircraft now. If the News correct (yeah I know) the aircraft were dropping bombs in the Republic of Georgia and there fore the Georgian Military had every right to shoot the planes down

  4. An American once said! The first casuality in any conflict is TRUTH! Whatever the rights and wrongs of this case!I believe that some outside agencies have been doing a bit of 'stirring up'!

    All sides tend to exaggerate gains and losses!And this case is no different!

    All I am glad is that NATO is not involved!As Georgia has applied to join the NATO Pact!

  5. When they say warplanes, do they mean fighterjets? Because i think what they mean, are unmanned drones or Russian made equipment used by the rebels they are supporting. I think if they tuck on russian warplanes, then things would have escalted by now, which they still yet to do.

    Edit: oops, sorry, i just got the latest updates, your right, they are clashing.

  6. lets hope this is another afghanistan for russia

  7. they used catapults?

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