
Georgian/South Ossetian War?

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Hi, I'm only **, but what has been going on with the war in South Ossetia and Georgia has captured my attention more than my life- shopping, hanging out with friends, and just having fun..typical teenage life. I'm an Armenian who grew up in Georgia and so did my parents. Georgia is our home town.

But what they have done is wrong wrong and embarrassing. they They have started this war against South Ossetia and now aren't taking responsibility for all they have caused during the peaceful time of Olympics.They have murdered innocent people and the President of Georgia is kidnapping collage students and children from there homes and sending them to war. My relatives have been in hiding and living underground so thire young male children wont be forced into war.

As for Russian, people got it all wrong.

They are just supporting this little country of south Ossetia who just wants to be independent. So many people have died for no reason. And the rumor that the Russians are bombing Georgia because they want the Ossetian region is untrue. They are trying to help.

As for America, we are wrong to support Georgia because they are trying to force the Ossetian people to give up their freedom. But why! If we Americans have freedom why cant others? What kind of people can we be if we let Georgians take over this small country that WAS trying to build their nation.

I may not understand everything, but it tortures me to know that i am free while these people who have it hard enough already, with barley any food and are having a hard time survive now are deprived from their freedom.

All I'm trying to say is that, the Georgian president started all this, and isn't taking responsibility for his action, blaming Russians when all they are trying to do is help.South Ossetia deserves to be an independent country, just like the U.S.A. It amazes me- because out of all the nations we should be the ones encouraging freedom. Growing up as a young Armenian/American student who is proud to live in the U.S. it breaks my heart to know that we Americans are letting innocent people who are thriving to be free, get murdered by the Georgians.




  1. I am having a difficult time following your point.

    The war began when Russia envaded the sovereign territory of Georgia.

    You can certainly raise the issue of Georgia using heavy-handed tactics against the S. Ossetians; however, S. Ossetia belongs to the soverign state of Georgia. By the definition of soverignty, Georgia has the authority to impose law and order within its borders - obviously this can't approach genocide.

    My questions to you are:

    How can Russia justify occupying another soverign states territory like the did in S. Ossetia?

    How can Russia justify disproportionate use of force against Georgia in this situation - this force includes Russian troops pushing further into Georgia than the contested areas of S. Ossetia?

    How can the Georgia president not act in the manner that he did when considering that he was elected by a majority vote on the premise that he would gain control of Ossetia and join NATO?

    I sense from your question and explanation that you are viewing this from a humanitarian perspective, but this is flawed when one considers that Russia (the outsider) is bullying its neighbors, while trying to impress the world with its power.

  2. Wow. I never thought about it that way. I've been watching the news for the past few days since this started. Honestly, I don't like the Georgian president at all. He didn't know what he was talking about at all.

    But even if what you said is true, the Russians have no purpose for invading Georgia itself. If they were really just trying to support Ossetia, they should've just stopped there. Now, many other people are going to be taking the offensive against them. The war may even escalate on a grand scale because they are using such military force.  

  3. Russia provoked Georgia into this war, Russians backed up Ossetian terrorists so they attacked Georgians, after that Russians invaded into sovereign Georgia.

    So check some facts, don't just listen to Putins propaganda who is building next USSR

  4. My husband travels to Georgia and he said a kind of the same things. People in Georgia don't respect Saakashvili that much. He is a political prostitute.

  5. Bombardment of prostitute Georgia is our answer for bombardment NATO of Yugoslavia. Support of independence of South Ossetia is our answer for tearing away Kosovo from Serbia. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. Georgia, ancient orthodox country, our old vassal, either will exist in the field of political, cultural and economic interests of Russia or will be returned in the feudal state in which this country was before the voluntarily joining it to Russia (at the end of 18 century), will be given on a torment its old tormentors - the Turks. We too much inlaid our money and our labour in this country, to give it in hands of the West free of charge. Too much this country had a drink Russians  blood, to give it free of charge. Great native of South Ossetia - Stalin will turn over in a coffin, if knows that we gave his Motherland - Georgia in hands of the West. Take away to the America your footmen of Shevardnadze and Saakashvili and go away from Caucasus. Here - bad place for political games. It is a very bloody region.

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