
Geothermal energy..................?

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Hi guys I am doing a project on geothermal energy, but I have a few questions.....

1. Who found Geothermal Energy and when?

2. Where was it found?




  1. It depends on what you mean. the site below gives 1904 for the first attempt to generate electricity but other uses were much earlier.

    In 1827 Francesco Larderel, founder of this industry, developed a system for utilizing the heat of the boric fluids in the evaporation process, rather than burning wood from the rapidly depleting forests (Figure 2).

    By 1904 the first attempt was being made at generating electricity from geothermal steam; again, it was to take place at Larderello (Figure 3).

    The success of this experiment was a clear indication of the industrial value of geothermal energy and marked the beginning of a form of exploitation that was to develop significantly from then on. Electricity generation at Larderello was a commercial success. By 1942 the installed geothermoelectric capacity had reached 127,650 kWe. Several countries were soon to follow the example set by Italy. In 1919 the first geothermal wells in Japan were drilled at Beppu, followed in 1921 by wells drilled at The Geysers, California, USA. In 1958 a small geothermal power plant began operating in New Zealand, in 1959 another began in Mexico, in 1960 in the USA, followed by many other countries in the years to come.

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