
Gerbil's allergies?

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Okay I got a new gerbil and I want to know what they are allergic to and what treats I can feed it.




  1. Never use ceder and pine bedding as it very bad for them if you not sure if it pine or ceder than don't use it

    a good bit of hay is a great bedding

  2. O.K, they can only eat fresh fruits and veggies, raw no salt or sugar. I herd gerbils are allergic to ceder and pine wood but I'm not positive. This site helped me a lot when I got my 2 gerbils:

  3. Allergic or foods that could make them sick?  There's no way to predict if they're allergic or not to something.  Usually if a rodent is allergic, it could be to bedding, but you'll notice by the gerbil losing hair or sneezing.  changing the bedding (Especially to paper bedding) can help that.
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