
Gerbil - Self-Mutilation?

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I have two male gerbils about five months old. One of the gerbils tails is bloody and a quarter of the fur is off at the end of the tail. I am trying to figure out what caused this and am thinking self-mutiliation???

Also, what do I do with the gerbils for the night until we take this gerbil to the vet in the morning? Should the two gerbil be separated for the night?




  1. It isn't self mutilation, it is the fact that they are male gerbils and usually two male species always seem to get into squabbles and are very territorial. Also gerbils are solitary creatures like Hampsters and really don't enjoy company unless if they were introduced at birth. I would definitely separate them until the other one is healed, then maybe try introducing them again and if they squabble then I would advice getting them separate cages.

  2. EMO GERBIL ALL BEWARE!! jk the other one probably kicked its a** to prove that he was dominant or somethin. but maybe just maybe your poor little gerbil is emo in which case try to understand how he is so misunderstood. but seriously seperate them.

  3. Definitely separate them.  Chances are that it's a result of fighting rather than self-mutilation.  I had mice, and one of them out of the blue attacked the other and injured her.  I separated them until she looked almost healed, then put them back together, and within a few hours, the wound was open again.  Separate them and keep them separated until he's fully healed, and if you reintroduce them, watch them very carefully the first few weeks to make sure there are no conflicts.

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