
Gerbil cages- opinions on them

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking about getting a new cage for my gerbils.

This is the cage I have currently-

Which is fine, but it is second hand so it's a bit bashed around, the lip is missing on one side, and it also has three bits of wood stuck to it from a split which I can't take off- it isn't doing them harm, it just isn't nice asthetically.

I was thinking of changing it to one of these, the one with three platforms-

Which is also sold in PAH, where I work.

Should I stick with the working but battered cage I have, or fork out for a new cage?




  1. If it's not broke don't fix it!

    They did fix the roads in Ireland when they were not broke and now the hole dam things a mess!!

  2. I think the gerbilarium is great. I, personally, love perfecto tanks. I wish they were sold in the US. Lots of UK gerbil owners have perfecto tanks. If the cage you have now is usable, still in good condition, and your gerbils are happy, it's not too important to get a new one right now. However, if you can afford it and would want to upgrade to a perfecto tank, I would recommend you go right ahead. I bet your gerbils will love it.

  3. Hi, Stick with the one you have all ready got,it might be a bit battered but thats okay!!! I breed gerbils and a few of the cages are just old good condition fish tanks (with a proper wire roof). The cage you have got at the moment are good, i have a few of them,Unless you really dislike the look of the gerbil cage,its fine,at least its a spacious cage,some people keep them in shoe box sized cages! Hope this helps.

  4. I prefer the cage you have now to the new one.

    Gerbils definitely need deep litter to dig in, so a tank is great for that. But I personally don't think a tank alone is enough - I like the first style because it has plenty of digging room as well as above ground space for running and play.

    If you need a new cage I would suggest going for another one like that - although a bigger one would be great!

  5. I like the one you have the best.  I think it suits the needs of gerbils (i.e. digging) best and it doesn't matter about it being a bit bashed up.  You will save money too :)

    If you really want a new cage and have plenty of money Pets at Home do a bigger version of the top part of your cage that you fit to a rectangular aquarium you buy yourself (although glass would be heavier and so harder to clean).  It can house up to five gerbils!  

  6. Both are really cool cages... I really like the Gerbilarium you have now, but if you're anything like me, I LOVE buying new stuff for my animals.

    If you work where they sell the new cage, that means DISCOUNT, right?

    It sounds like your furry friends deserve an UPGRADE!

    = )

    *** More info ***

    Well, what you have now is definitely pretty plush!  I don't think they'd complain one bit if they could talk.  Sounds like you take really good care of them!

    Maybe you could do some minor repairs to their current one...

    ; )

  7. Hey!

    I absolutely LOVE the one you have now! :]

    Keep it, is so CUTE!

    I love gerbils!

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