
Gerbil care?

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Ideally what do you need for a gerbil?



wooden chew on log or hut

paper towel/toilet paper tubes

food bowl

Water bottle


What else?

Do gerbils need to be kept in pairs?

If so two males, or two females?

How big of a tank for one? two?




  1. You've listed some good things. You may want to consider a bath with chinchilla sand. Gerbils shouldn't be bathed in water. For bedding, stay away from pine and cedar. Those woods can cause respiratory problems. Pine isn't as bad as cedar, but I still don't recommend it. Aspen shavings are a good choice. My gerbils do very well on it. It's absorbent, masks odors well, and holds up tunnels. There really isn't much more I think you need. Just be sure to save all your clean, cardboard items, toilet paper/paper towel rolls, etc.

    Gerbils don't necessarily NEED to be kept in pairs, but they should. Gerbils are social. Lone gerbils tend to live shorter, less healthy lives. One may be more work than two because you have to spend more time with it trying to make up for the lack of companionship. No matter how much time you spend with a lone gerbil, though, it doesn't make up for the fact that it must sleep alone, groom itself, and play with itself when you're not around.

    Both males and females do well in pairs. Gender is just a preference. Males tend to be larger, more laid back, and less territorial, whereas females tend to be smaller, more active, and more territorial. However, you could easily find a laid back female and active male. Territory isn't much of an issue as long as the cage is large enough to house them. The only big difference I can think of between males and females is that males tend to scent mark more with their scent gland located on their belly. I, personally, have two females. They adore each other. I think they're wonderful, and I love them to pieces.

    For one gerbil, a 10 gallon tank is fine. For more than one gerbil, there are two general rules I like to follow. The first is 10 gallons per gerbil. This would work out to a 20 gallon tank for a pair of gerbils. The second is 10 gallons for the first gerbil, and 5 gallons per additional gerbil. This works out to a 15 gallon tank for a pair. A 10 gallon tank with a tank topper may also work out for a pair. That's what I have for my gerbils because I don't have the space in my bedroom for a 20 gallon tank for them.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to e-mail me. I'd be glad to try and answer them for you. Good luck with the new gerbils!

  2. listen to the girl with the long ask bu tone thing that she forgot was to get a pair of gerbil that have live together before or u will have to use the split cage to make them friends.

    also there is no different between male and female just don't  mix s*x, go for two male the colors you like or two female with color you like

    Hay is a good bedding

    I would not give gerbil less than 15 gallon for 2 but more space is welcome, also my gerbil don't us a wheel and the ball is not a good idea for gerbil as they like to smell things the ball more fun for the owner that the gerbil

  3. you need a exersice wheel and never mix sexes unless breeding but they will be fine by them selfs. and one 10 gallon tank should be good for 1 or 2. enjoy your gerbils and i wouldnt hurt to get a few treats for your new friend.

  4. thats about it

    get females

    they dont NEED to be kept in pair but theyre better off in pairs
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