I got a Gerbil about a month ago. I got a new cage, Aspen bedding, food, water. The cage was the pink plastic one from Critter Trail with bars. My gerbil seemed FINE for the first week. After I cleaned it's cage it died the next day. I cleaned the cage with water and a mild soap and dried it off.
After it died I just got a new hamster today, I used the same cage as for the gerbil, but I changed the bedding and food, cleaned the wheel and water and washed the water bottle. When I first tried to put the hamster in the cage it was very vicious and tried to bite me. I left it alone, and checked on it every hour and it got more lethargic every hour.
Both of the rodents I purchased at Petsmart.
I'm not sure if it's the cage. Maybe there's a cage virus?
Or if it's the rodents getting bred at Petsmart.
Should I try getting a new cage?
Or buying a sterilizer?
Or should I go to a different pet store?