
Gerbil help gerbil seizure?

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see my gerbil had a seizure how can i stop him having them

and make him better

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  1. See the Vet and don't wasted time on Yahoo asking question if you mother had a seizure wouldn't you bring her to a doctor  

  2. Seizures are very hard to control, and require a prescription medication to do so. The medication is available in a liquid form, so if it comes in a low enough dose for a gerbil, you could probably start treatment.

    On the other hand, do you think your gerbil would tolerate being syringe fed gross tasting phenobarb once of twice a day? Mine wouldn't even allow water when she was dehydrated. Your best alternative would be to just keep him comfortable. Gerbils are so small, that he probably won't be able to handle having frequent seizures. Spoil him while you have the chance.

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