
Gerbil is alone... can't get another one.?

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Everyone is like.... you need another gerbil to keep him company but the last time he saw another gerbil he almost killed the poor thing... so my question is what should I do? I play with him alot so I don't think he needs another one but everyone says YOU NEED ANOTHER GERIL!!!!




  1. He doesnt need another friend as long as you spend a lot of time with him. Dont listen to people, your gerbil is terratorial so he will kill another gerbil. Oh the other gerbil could hurt your baby. Hope i helped. Good Luck!

  2. Gerbils should live in pairs (or groups) but they must live together since they were babies or they will fight and cause each other harm.  It is too late to get another one.  Just remember to get a pair next time.  

  3. As long as you are playing with your gerbil on a daily basis and are giving him plenty of things that he can do when he is alone in his cage, he will be absolutely fine.  If someone says to you that you need to have another gerbil, let them politely know that your gerbil is quite content at being the only one and that you have already had him around another gerbil and it did not go well.

  4. No don't do it! When you get animals from the pet store sometimes people aren't sure if they are a boy and a boy but sometimes they get it wrong. We once had gerbils and they were in the same cage and they were supposed to be boys and then it turned out to be a boy and a girl the got out of their cage hid in the house had some fun and and then the mom got really stressed and ate them.

    true story

  5. You need another Gerbil. You shouldnt have gotton 1 in the first place. That was irresponsible.

  6. Having one Gerbil on it's own is fine. Though they are sociable animals and like to have a friend, there's no reason why you have to have two. Lots of  Love, care and attention. A few treats now and then, time out of the cage and i'm sure your Gerbil will be fine. I've kept plenty of Gerbils on there own and had no problems.  

  7. Get another one. Why? Because they are social animals, they only cost £5-6 and only the reason he tried to kill the other gerbil is cos you didn't introduce them properly! read here:

    for how to introduce gerbils using a split cage method.

  8. Most gerbils prefer to be social and have a companion but every gerbil has their own personality.  Some are very dominant or antisocial.  

    I have five gerbils and two females are together, two males are together, but one male is on his own.  This gerbil is very skittish, does not like people, and is too aggressive to have a cage mate so he is on his own.  When he was younger he successfully lived with the other two males I have and he was fine.  He was with my older gerbil and his younger brother but once he matured he changed.  He wanted to be the "alpha male" of the cage, I believe, so he now lives on his own.

    You have two choices.  One, just leave your gerbil on his own but give him plenty of things to keep him busy like carboard stuff to chew on, paper towels to shred etc.  Just give him attention.  Your second choice would be to get another gerbil and use the split tank method of introduction.

    With split tank method you are basically putting a divider in the aquarium, taking out everything such as the wheel and chew stuff, and only leaving in the basic food and water.  A few times a day you switch the gerbils from either side so they get used to each others scent.  If you start to see they sleep next to the divider that means they are getting used to each other.  After a week or two you can try removing the divider and seeing how they react.  If they start grooming each other and sleeping together it's been a successful introduction.  

    It's up to you what you want to try.  If your gerbil genuinely seems happy on his own then don't worry about it.  My antisocial gerbil is content with the massive amounts of cardboard I give him to keep busy.  

    Here's the link for more information on split tank if that's what you decide to do.  Feel free to email me with any questions!  Take care and good luck!

  9. A gerbil is not like a cat or dog and cannot come to you when it needs affection or wants attention. IF you are prepared to be the center of his universe, he doesn't need a companion.

    What do you have to do to keep a gerbil happy when he has no friend?

    - When arriving home, it's nice if the gerbil is the first person you greet. He recognizes the sound of your voice and keys in the door.

    - While busy online or watching TV, take frequent breaks to talk to him and kiss on him. He has an amazing unique personality. Discover him!

    - Feed him goodies by hand. Does he like tomatos? Olives? Go through the fridge and find out.

    - Stimulate his curiosity and senses by placing him in a safe environment and placing random objects for him to sniff, climb over or under, etc... A safe place would be a bed.

    - Handle him a *lot*. He really is curious about who you're talking to on the phone and what stepping on certain buttons on your keyboard will do. lol

    - He should be kept in non-direct sunlight. It's a natural anti-depressant. :)

    - When he isn't sleeping, ask yourself if he looks bored and find something interesting for him to shred.

    - Rearrange his furniture once in awhile and keep those toys coming.

    Do not let people put you down or tell you he has to have a friend. It's simply false. I've had 10 at a time and usually own 1 gerbil at a time now with no bonding issues at all. They live long healthy and happy lives.

    So if you can keep his cage near you when you study and discuss your homework with him, he'll be fine, but if you don't want to be this social with him, he needs a friend. :)

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