
Gerbil missing two top teeth?

by  |  earlier

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before it was 1 now i just checked and im panicking i dont want her to die is this normal? if not wat should i do? shes only a baby like 10 months




  1. She'll get new ones ;]

  2. does she have problems eating? The teeth will grow back, but you may need to feed her moistened gerbil pellets for a while. I had one who liked to bite and he was chomping on my finger and I was trying to shake him off, and he kept biting harder and harder...and he finally let go and flew across the room. He broke his teeth and we fed him moist pellets for a while and his teeth grew back jagged and he was meaner than ever!

  3. no its not "normal" for the teeth to fall out completly.  your gerbil should be fine aslong as you feed soft food for a bit and you may have to have the bottom ones cliped so that the tops grow back right and the bottoms dont over grow.

  4. that is actully a good thing. losing teeth in the rodent family is common and natural. this is so the teeth can grow back better and more funtionable.

  5. They`ll grow back,,,,don`t worry.

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