
Gerbil or guini pig for 7 year old boy?

by Guest65091  |  earlier

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I want to get him something that wont constantly run off him, like rats do...are girbils friendly enough and not as fidgety? I like the idea of a guini pig, but with space should only have one, and I know two is better, I could provide a 2 by 2 space easily? What do you think...




  1. G.pigs get my vote for a 7 year old.  They are easier for them to hold.  A gerbil or hamster could more easily be sqeuzed too hard because they are always trying to move and get away.

    When my daughter was 3 we had a g.pig and she used to put it in her barbie jeep and drive it all around the house.  She was so used to being handled I cld take her outside on the lawn and she would not run when anyone came near her.

  2. I would definitely go with the guinea pig.

    Guinea Pigs are mammals which belong to the rodent family having large incisor teeth that are continually growing necessitating gnawing to prevent the teeth from overgrowing. The word 'rodent' is derived from the latin word 'rodere' which means 'to gnaw'.

    Guinea Pigs form the Family Caviidae which is broken down into different Genera and then Species. There are 8 species of guinea pigs but only one is widely kept as a pet.

    Guinea Pigs have a compact body and no tail and are native to South America where they live in burrows in mountain and grassland areas.

    This website would probably help you out with a lot of stuff about guinea pigs. :

  3. I think you should get a dwarf hamster! They are super cute, small, and active! And you can get them a little ball to let them run around on the floor in and a little exercise wheel and they are really cute, and a 2 by 2 pen is more than enough space for 2 or 3 or 4 of them! But trust me they are super cute and fun, and you can get them any local pet store, and the pet supplies plus store near us has a starter kit for beginners. It includes a cage, exercise wheel, water bottle, food bowl, food, bedding, treat, and a chew toy, all for $36, and then you but the hamsters separately. Call your local pet store to see what they have to offer!

  4. Definitely Alligator

  5. I say Ginni Pig because they are more friendly and Gerbils have a higher chance of biting young children that are watching them.

  6. If your boy is very responsible i would get him a gerbil but if he isn't get him something else because you have to clean their cage every weekend and buy stuffing for the cage and it is messy and hard. if a parent is going to clean the cage then i would get a gerbil. If you decide to get a gerbil or guini pig would recommend a gerbile but leave the cage out for a week and let it air out or your animal will die. ( we learned that the hard way). i wouldn't get a chincilla because they aren't meant to be in captivity.   Hope this helped.

  7. ive had both so id say for a boy of 7 a guinea pig definately. my gerbils were all really cute and friendly but as they are really small they can be easily lost and they can jump very high so i think it would be safer for the animals and your son if you get a guinea pig as they are very docile and calm.  

  8. ok for 1, you are spelling it "guini" and its GUINEA. And 2, I have 2 guinea pigs and I LOVE them. they cuddle, and purr and they are sooo cute and fuzzy. Not that hard to take care of once you get everything you need. get 2 females unless 2 males that were born together--brothers. Guinea pigs live longer if they have a friend. 3: You HAVE to have at LEAST a capful from an orange juice gallon, of oj in their water bottle every time for the rest of their lives. you also need freshly washed fruits and veggies for them everyday. They cant have stuff with acid in it like lemons. They cant eat any kinds of nuts or seeds. They also cannot eat any types of weeds, except for those little clover flowers and leaves. Good luck! you WONT be sorry! Oh one more thing, they need exercise EVERY day! they cannot be walked like dogs on leashes, and so I recommend letting them play on the floor for an hour tops. tip-- have everything on the floor, such as cords, pillows, etc off of the floor unless you want them chewed.  drape a blanket over the couch, (touching the floor) so your baby piggies can tunnel.  

  9. when i was 7, i was trying to keep my mother's guinia pig warm, so i sat on it, and it dyed.


  10. Not a guinea pig. You'd need a 4x2 space at least, and you really shouldn't keep them alone. Also, guinea pigs are too large to be held comfortably in little hands. They're easy to drop or squeeze too hard, and they're very timid by nature. They don't appreciate young children and won't be the happy, friendly pet you're looking for.

    Gerbils are probably harder to hold than rats. Gerbils don't really have a concept of height and will spring right out of your hands. Hard to hold, easy to squeeze or drop or provoke into biting.

    When I was 7 or 8, I had a few mice as "first pets." I was able to handle them, but I wasn't really responsible enough to take care of them - a parent always cleaned the cage for me. If you get ANY animal, remember that it will primarily be YOUR responsibility. You'll have to care for it yourself and supervise your son when he handles them.

    I'd actually recommend waiting a few more years to get a small animal like that. They really don't do well with young children, and your son probably won't care one way or the other. Kids think of animals the same way they think of toys, and there's a big chance he'd get sick of a pet anyway.  

  11. definitely a guinea pig, there almost better then a dog, there much nicer than a gerbil, gerbils bit, Guinea pigs barley nip, the only way they nip is if they feel threatened. when they nip you, it may be startling, but it doesn't hurt, and DO NOT hit a guinea pig. and usually there also more polite, they will pee on beds and stuff, but they wont use humans and bathrooms, they hold it.

  12. Gerbils are better than guinea pigs....i had a gerbile from a pet store who would just sit on ur shoulder for hours he never fidgeted he never bit anyone and theyre alot funner than guinea pigs .... sure theyre cute but i would go with gerbils and theyre alot smaller

  13. id say guini pig. ive had one before and they are really calm and fun and you can hold them. at one store ive even seen a guini pig leashe so that you can take them for walks. they are also very easy to take  care of.  

  14. Guinea Pig. Hands down.

    Guineas are fun, friendly, and rarely if ever bite. They are large and very adaptable, so it would not mind being held frequently by a child. Gerbils are smaller and yes, they can be fidgety. Because of their smaller size, they are not as handable and therefore not as great as the larger guinea pig. I would actually choose the rat over the gerbil.

    It's awesome to watch guinea pigs run around. The more you have, the funner! They will line up and follow each other and your foot around the house! It's adorable. They have tons of personality- much more than I've ever seen in a gerbil.

    Unfortunately, it is better to have two guinea pigs then one. In my opinion, they are so much more better though.

    EDIT: I've also owned chinchillas and would not recommend one for a younger child. Their care is a bit more advanced, they are not as friendly, and they are more delicate. Not as handable as a guinea pig.

    I think a guinea is a great choice!

    Good luck!

  15. Guini Pig.....Gerbils run-off quickly and a lot

  16. most definitely guineapigs they are the most gentle and caring animals i have ever had.

    i have a nephew who is 2 years old and my guineapigs just sit on his knee quite content eating some carrot.

    they also arnt that big so easy too handle.

    gerbils can sometimes be vicious so thats is something to look out for because it its ever vicous to your boy that will put him off.

    remember pets are a big responsibility and ur 7 year old isnt old enough too clean it out and remember fresh water and food veg vet bills etc etc .

    hope this help. x

  17. my teacher

    use to have girbils

    their so cute and they barely move

    lol the nly reason he went missing was because they stole

    it and run away with it lol but girbils are cute just make sure

    not everyone touches hm in the wrong way cuz it can bite and makes the finger bleed alot but yea girbil

  18. A gerbil is a rat as well (used to be known as 'desert rat') they are very fast as well, and like climbing, just like regular rats. They need less space than a Guinea Pig, but 2x2 feet is enough for a guinea pig. If you live in a moderate climate you can even let the Guinea pig outside in the summer, they are also less fragile than the gerbil. If given enough attention you can keep just one.

    Ever thought of having a cat? easy to handle, dont need as much maintenance?

  19. a gini pi is fine but if he's comi whould get him a rabbit their lots of fun

  20. I would go with the guinea pig. They live longer and are larger and sturdier than gerbils. Gerbils would need to be handled with much more care and gentleness, where as you could feel safe leaving the guinea pig in the room with children. Guinea pigs are fun to have, where as rabbits are interesting and fun too, but a little aloof.

    Chinchillas I have had no experience with, but I hear they can be very stinky in the house, and need more attention than other small pets. (but they are cute!)

    Whatever your choice is I'm sure both you and your son will have a blast with it!

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