
Gerbil owners please answer!?

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What are pros/cons of gerbils. I am thinking about getting a gerbil, if not a syrian teddy bear hamster. Please give me any information you have on gerbils, Thank you!




  1. Try this site

  2. I want a gerbil to!! how cool are they??

  3. gerbils good points

    they dont smell as bad

    they are smart

    they are very friendly

    they never bite

    they are not nocturnal they sleep wen they feel

    bad points

    they often dig in corners of cage

    they canbe jumpy  

  4. gerbils are great pets to keep my teenage daughter has two males and they are excellent pets to watch although they are very fast animals so catching them can be a bit of a problem. males kept together can end up fighting some times so females are probably the best to keep. Hamsters make really great pets as in my experience you can handle them easier and they become tame much more quicker. you can only keep one hamster in one cage as the syrians do fight each other. Gerbils are great fun to watch as you can make tunnels out of cardboard tubes under the sawdust and bury bits of food under the sawdust and watch them seek it all out.  

  5. Gerbils are fun to watch.  They are very cute especially when you have more than one.  They tend to be more active throughout the day.  

    They are supposed to be more social than hamsters but I have noticed that my Syrian hamster is much more social and friendly than my gerbils but that could just be Trouble's personality.  

    Every gerbil is different.  They all have different personalities and some are social and trusting but others are not.  However, the same applies to Syrian hamsters as well.

    The gerbil and Syrian hamster both make an excellent pet.  In the end, it's really what you think you will like more.  Take a look at the gerbils and the Syrian hamsters and hold one if you can.  

    BTW...since Syrian hamsters are solitary you can only have one.  They won't tolerate a cage mate and will fight each other.

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