
Gerbils HELP PLEASE! what to do?

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How do I take care pf Baby gerbils? I already took out the father now what! how do i clean there cage? what? please help me!




  1. GOOD JOB!

    Just don't listen to the guy that said to not take out the dad! Listen to the girl that anwsered before that guy!

  2. one) relax!

    two) breathe.

    three) read.

    i don't have a gerbil, but i have a hamster.  okay, to clean their cage, you'll need a seperate 'ball' for them to stay in while you're cleaning.  go to petco or something.  they're like $5.

    now, once they're in their ball, make sure they don't go down any stairs, and make sure the lids on the balls are on tight.  take the cage, and dump out the bedding into a trash bag or whatever.  to clean it, it depends on how big the cage is.  you can wash it in a sink, or in a bath tub, or out in the yard with a hose.  use soap if it stinks, but make sure to thoroghly rinse it out.  now, if they have a wheel to run on, a house to sleep in, a water bottle, and food dishes, make sure you put those in hot water, or wash them out too.  then, once everything is clean, you put cold water in the water bottle, then you put new food in the dish.  put about an inch of bedding down in the cage, so they can have something to walk about on.  then, arrange everything in the cage, and ake the gerbils out of their ball, put them in the cage, and make sure they can reach their water bottle.  if not, move it somewhere so they CAN reach it.  you might want to rinse out the balls once in a while too, just in case.  

    for food, go to a local pet store and ask an associate to help pick out food for your needs.

    good luck!!!

  3. feed it cheese

  4. 1) forget what she said

    2) why did you take dad out?

    3) I what you to tell everyone you know that you only take dad out if you don't what more pups, ( I am sick of saying it so males can make better mother than the females)

    ok now there is not more you need do, mom dose the work just make sure that there is lots of water all the time as a nurse mother drinks a lot more. and lots of food that to!

    don't clean the cage just right now let the pups become about 2 to 3 weeks old before cleaning as mom will try to put it back the way it was before she looks after the pups.

    don't be frighten about moving the pup just wash your hands before and after. just put mom and pups in a box's with some bedding and clean! (at about 2 to 3 weeks old)

    if dad was not taking out with about 5 hour of the pup birth (gerbils give birth early morning late night) there it most likey they are more pups on the way, if dad has just remove (within 24 hours) put him back in if you did take him out right away it not going to matter there's more pups on the way, and he will help mom,

    If you more than 24 hours don't put him in or mum and dad will fight to the death. look up gerbil breeding before you try to put dad back after the pups have been remove at about 5 weeks old, don't sell at 5 weeks old what to 6 weeks old.

    I breed Gerbils

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