
Gerbils VS Hamsters?

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I've owned many hamsters, but never a gerbil. I was thinking of buying one, but was wondering: what are the personality differences as well as pros and cons for each? especially socially.




  1. I agree with everything Great Day said.  They are very different and very active.  Also very very smart.  They eat the same thing but again are much more active.  Really cool pets though.

  2. I would say gerbils cause they r easy going and aren't as aggressive and are more playful! gerbils r smarter!the only downside is they r fast!but thats only when they are scared!! but they only run when they r not trained correctly! they will grow into u but not if u dont ever play with them!!

  3. Okay...



        * Gerbils are easy to care for compared to many other pets.

        * Gerbils do not smell as other rodents do. Gerbils are desert creatures. Therefore, they drink little and do not produc e as much waste as other rodents.

        * Because gerbils do not smell as much or produce as much waste, gerbils need a tank cleaning about every 2 weeks.

        * Most gerbils do not bite. If a young gerbil nibbles, it is a habit easily broken.

        * Gerbils are very inquisitive, playful, and fun to watch.

        * Gerbils do not sleep all day and play all night. Instead, they have many sleep/wake cycles throughout the day and night.


    # You cannot pick up a gerbil by the tail, because gerbil tails are delicate and can break off. (This is a defense mechanism in the wild.) All members of your household must learn the proper way to pick up a gerbil. For more information, see the How to Pick Up a Gerbil tip.

    # You should not keep female gerbils in groups larger than two. Larger groups usually result in fights.

    # Gerbils do best in pairs, but if you can't already find a pair who already live together, you will need to use the split-cage method to introduce them. This usually goes well, but it can be difficult, and there is no guarantee of success. To learn more about introducing gerbils to each other, read the series of split-caging tips, starting with Split-Cage Introductions.



    *  They are relatively inexpensive.

    * They are also easy to house.

    * They are all entertaining and fairly easy to maintain.

    * They require little attention as long as housing is cleaned regularly, and they are given fresh food and water regularly.


    *  These small creatures have relatively short life spans.

    * They are escape artists.

    * They like to chew on things.

    * They can bite.

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