
Gerbils and crickets?

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I read you can give crickets to gerbils, because they are a good source of protein and they have fun catching their own prey, is this true? Also, my gerbils live in a wire cage, would the crickets be able to go through the wires? I don't want crickets all over my room!

P.S. - it's 1/2 inch bar spacing.




  1. ive heard they like crickets too but ive never personally tried it.  you should try but use a different container because those crickets will be all over your room in seconds.

  2. gerbils are evil mine killed each other....nuf said.....

  3. Personally, my gerbs love all sorts of insects, but I do agree, crickets would probably escape from a wire cage. Sure you don't want that! xD

    I suggest mealworms. They are an EXCELLENT option for nursing or pregnant mother gerbils...and can be fed as just a treat for gerbils who aren't expecting a litter. It is important not to feed live food to gerbils too often, because they can get overweight from eating too many mealworms or crickets, and need the nutrition that comes with their regular commercial food [seed mixtures, etc] anyways, even if they prefer the mealworms over normal food. I'd say once a week would probably be a fine interval to feed mealworms. =O

    Good luck with your gerbies.

  4. Have you thought of trying mealworms?  A cricket could get out of that barspacing, and mealworms are good too.

    Also, make sure you buy the insects as 'wild' ones can carry parasites and things like that.

    You can buy mealworms (and many other kinds of live insects) at places like Petsmart, Petco, and other pet stores.
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