
Gerbils or Hamsters?

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In your opinion what are better pets to keep, hamsters or gerbils? For what reasons?

I currantly have a hamster but it's getting old and sick, and we're worried that it's going to die soon. I have a couple of younger siblings (7 and 10) and they want another pet when our hamster passes away. Our currant hamster is really sweet and dosen't bite and loves to fall asleep in our hands ever since we got her, but we're worried that a new hamster wouldn't be like this.

Thanks in advance ^-^





    dose think tell you all about gerbils

    I am not give you can hamster link as I don't hamsters

  2. in my opinion gerbils are better pets to keep.  gerbils live about 4 to 5 years. gerbils do not smell as bad as hamsters do.  they also are friendly.  they arent scared of people so they are perfect pets for kids.  they dont bite either.  gerbils arent nocturnal so you will see them awake and playing most of the day.  if you do choose to get a gerbil you should strongly consider getting two same sexed gerbils because they live longer with a buddy.  

    these sites should also help-

    hope this helps

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your hamster.

    If you want something that doesn't smell as much and that can be friendly and active get a gerbil.

    If you don't mind the smell (I'm sure you know because of your hamster) and it sleeping all day and being not as active but cuddly and cute and sweet. then get a hamster.

    Good luck with whatever decision you make!

  4. Robovorski (Robo) hamsters are the tiniest hamster in the world (fact not exaggeration) and they're sold just about everywhere. They're bred to be sweet, but can be extremely fast. As in, loose hamster speed doubled is their normal speed. Sometimes. But if constantly handled, they love hands. Mine actually jumps on my had when I stick it in.

  5. I like hamsters better as they're easier to hold/cuddle (Syrians, anyway.).  But gerbils are pretty fun, too.  I've had one super-sweet gerbil, who would just sit on you or hang out, but then the ones I have now are all pretty jumpy.  (But they just don't like sitting still, I think. :P)

  6. ok, i have been in the same position as you. i would suggest another Syrain hamster until they're a little older. if you tame the hamster, it should be somewhat like ur current hamster. i just got a hamster at the begging of this month and two gerbils yesterday. so far, my 11yo can handle the hamster much better, though, he's had two other ones before. try the other hamster, it is probably more worth ur while for ur situation. if ur up to another after the new hamster goes, two gerbils will be in ur siblings age group, not to mention urs probably.

  7. hamsters they are cute and easy to take care of.

  8. Since you have younger siblings, including a 7 year old, I would suggest another Syrian.  

    Robo dwarves are sweet, but very fast and not suited for most children, as they can escape easily.   They are also social and like to live together.  

    I happen to love Cambell's/Russian dwarves, but they are also probably a little fast for children, and also are much happier in pairs, so if you only wanted one that would eb a problem.  

    CHinese dwarves are more shy, I believe altho I dont have much experience with them.  

    If you don't get a Syrian Gerbils would be good, too, but are also social and like to live together.   From my experience, Gerbils chew on things much more and make more of a mess, also smell more, but they wouldnt be a bad choice.  

    Syrians, once trained, which may make some time, are pretty much tame for life.  They are also much easier to handle for children.  

    To find a good tame hamster, check out all the ones at the pet stores, even check out a few different ones, and ask to hold the friendliest looking hamsters.  IF there's an animal shelter near you, check it out too!  THe shelter I work at has very friendly Syrians!  Good luck, and remember, it wont be tame immediately, but if you work on it it should be good!
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