
Geri-Ann Richards Murder Case - Unsolved !!!?

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Does anyone remember the UNSOLVED ABUSE and MURDER of four-month-old Geri-Ann Richards in Pawtucket, RI in November of 1984? She was reported missing November 11, 1984. The mother's name was Donna Richards, the father's name was Ralph Richards and the woman Ralph had an affair with in a Cape Cod motel room 2 days before their baby's disappearance was Priscilla Dixon.

The only info that I can find on the internet is on and

Does anyone have any recent info regarding this case or any info about any one of the 3 people mentioned above?

Director/Producer John Lavall says that his planned documentary of this case is currently on hold until the end of 2008.

I grew up where this happened and have always been curious as to what happened to the 3 main people that were investigated in this crime. NO ONE was ever convicted and the case remains UNSOLVED to this day.




  1. Guest58763

      I don't know where they are now, but I actually knew Ralph Richards before the incident in 1984.   He used to. It antiques from our family business to sell out west 

    He used to drive a big brown Mercedes box truck


  2. I wish they would re-open the case, now that there is DNA testing.  As long as they kept evidence from the baby's murder/rape, they could test the father and mother to see if they match the evidence on the baby's body.  My daughter was born a few weeks before this baby, and it broke my heart to think she suffered so much and nobody paid the price for her murder. I don't care that it's 30 years old, the case should be re-opened and the murdered brought to justice.  Maybe someone can contact the Pawtucket police dept and make the request. 

  3. A friend of mine was on the pPawtucket police force at the time (since retired) and he tells me that the case was never solved.  He believed the parents were involved somehow but there was not enough evidence to convict...last he heard the parents moved somewhere in the mid west.   Not much help I'm sure but it's all I have.

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