
German Drivers Liscense???

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I have the American Driver's Liscense, and have been driving accident free for a few years.

When I move to Germany will I have to get a whole new liscence? Will i have to take the tests and everything? Or can I just exchange my American one for a german one? Or even an international one?

I am planning on living in germany with the odd visit to america now and then.

Does anyone know how this'd work for me?

I wouldn't be on vacation, but moving.

Thank you!




  1. Ok there is a difference between visiting and living.

    If you plan to live their I would with out a doubt get a German license or an International one!

    You do not want to be pulled over and not have your license not understood and spend time at the station explaining it. Technically you can use your USA license here, I have and even rented a car with it. BUT that is as a guest.

    Living is far different and even if you visit these days and plan to drive I would still suggest an International one at least. You will need the new one to probably buy one, register it and insure it there.

    How old are you? If you are under 21 they have different rules than we do until that age I am sure. You have to be 18 to have a driver's license in Germany and 15-16 in most the USA. So I am sure they take that into account to your age if you are young. If you are over 21 than it should not be hard.

    Good luck

  2. When I moved to Germany, I exchanged my Saskatchewan driver's liscence straight accross. It all depends which State you come from. Example, in Canada I held three driver's liscences (not legal I know!) and when I went to the Landresamt I was told that I couldn't exchange my BC liscence without a road test (BC DL is good for five years), the Alberta DL same story, the Saskatchewan liscence no problem straight exchange (the SK DL is renewed every year). After you find out if it can be exchanged, you'll have to go to the ADAC (German Motor Club) and have it translated from English to German - cost about 75 Euro. Now, this doesn't mean the the text has to be has to be verified that it is in fact a normal driver's liscence. If you have anything other than a normal (passenger vehicle) it will be verified as a higher liscence, but you will only receive a Class B liscence. This allows you to drive anything 3.5 ton and lower. You'll need to do driving school and driving test...written as well as driven (this test is available in English). The cost for driving school is about 2,000 Euro. Once you have a driver's liscence in Germany (it called a European Driver's Permit) it is good in all countries belonging to the European Union as well as in Canada. I can't say if it is good in the States or not, but is accepted pretty much all over the world. Hope this helps. Oh...and international driver's liscence from the auto clubs in North America are pretty much worthless...just a money making idea...your US liscence is good here in Germany for 3 months.

  3. You can get into contact with the ADAC, which is also recommended by the US ministery of foreign affairs. The ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobilclub) will also instruct you on how to get your American license transferred into a European one. (There are no specific German licenses any more; any license you have from an EU member state will be valid throughout the EU.) Your license will allow you to drive as a tourist, but I'd really recommend you take some driving lessons to get acquainted with the special ways Germans drive, and it should be no problem then to obtain a European driver's license. You don't exchange your American one for it: You just keep it. (I have an Indian one somewhere, and my European one, too.)

    Here's what the US embassy says. It sounds quite scary to me, but I'm German, and I can tell from experience that it's half as wild:

  4. Well, if you are going to live in Germany, And really need a car then this is what you will have to do;

    Get your German Living Permit

    Take a First Aid Course(I did mine with the Red Cross)

    Eye Exam

    The Driving School(Mandatory) -This is where you drive around with an instructor for a total of 12 hours(5 hours normal daylight driving, 3 hours night driving, and 4 hours on the Autobahn), and then 14 hours of classroom. Some driving schools include the First Aid Course. This is for a standard license. For motorcycles or trucks you will need more.

    You can plan on spending about 1600 Euros.

    I am sure someone will answer that all you have to do is exchange your American license for a German one. I wish it was that easy! That may be true for Americans with the US Military stationed in Germany???

    Now, depending on where you live and your job, you may not need a car. I lived for 8 years without a car(it was Wonderful!) using my feet and public transportation.

    Also driving a car in Germany is not Cheap! Car insurance, gas prices, and then depending on where live you may have to pay lots of money for a parking space!

  5. I suggest you ask at the German Embassy. This might be the best way to find out.

  6. Well I just checked and there are different procedures depending on your actual US driving license and in which state you live. If you live in a state where the tests for your driving license were similar to the German system, then you will be able just have to yours changed. But if you live in a state where the tests are more simple and the system totally different from the German driving license system then it might happen that you will either have to do the theory test or the practical test or both once again to check your abilities.

    You'll have to make a fully new license if you live in one of the following states now: Alaska, Kalifornien, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, American Samoa, Guam, Virgin Islands

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