
German Roor Bongs?

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Has anyone successfully purchased a Roor bong off of, the official Roor bong website? If so, how does the currency exchange work? I can't seem to figure it out, my order has been confirmed and am not sure what method of payment is used and how to send in the money. Help?




  1. The German Website says:

    "Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt. und zzgl. Versandkosten. Sie können per NN oder Vorkasse zahlen.

    Der Versand erfolgt mit der Deutsche Post AG/DHL Express oder GLS.

    Der Mindestbestellwert (Warenpreis ohne Versandkosten) beträgt € 20."


    Prices are inclusive VAT (Sales Tax), and shipping costs will be added. You can pay in cash in advance, or cash on delivery.

    Delivery is made through either, German Postal Service, DHL, or GLS(?).

    The minimum order value is 20.-- Euro (for goods, not including shipping).

  2. nope, i got a volcano, save your lungs, it rocks
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