
German Shepherd Dog?

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Hey guys,

I am 19 years of age, currently studying in college. I still have about 2-4 more years of school to finish. My courses and all for this semester are pretty good. I am off Friday - Monday. I really want a dog and I want a German Shepherd as a puppy. Money is not the problem but my parents say that it will be too much for you to do and they are not willing to take care of it 24/7. h**l ya I will love my GSD and take care of him alot. Although I will be at school on Tues, Wed, Thurs from like 8 - 3 and he will be home all alone by that time.

When I get this new puppy would be a good idea for me to leave him home alone in a room for that long? I have done quite alot of research and long hours of seperation is not good with GSD especially when they are puppies. I am not aware of how much they pee and poo and eat and all that. I don't want my carpet getting dirty so when I am gone I will have paper on my carpet and ofcourse a dog crate for him with a toy, water and food in it.

Question is:

1. Do you think I should get a puppy GSD.

2. Is it alot of problems

3. Will they pee/poo anywhere?

4. Does the fur get on everywhere?

5. Is it safe to leave them alone for 5-6 hours?

If you guys have a link that gives a bio about GSD and how they should be kept as puppy can you post it pls.





  1. You need to get your uni over first then get a dog cause it won't be fare if its left home alone cause thats the sign of neglect and you should get you uni or what ever over before you decide to get youself a dog

  2. A puppy won't be able to make it from 8-3 in a crate by itself.  You can expect 4-5 hours tops.  Without a crate, it will go everywhere.

    Beyond that I think you need to look a little farther out.  You are living at home right now but a dog is a 10-15 year commitment.  Odds are good in the next few years, you'll be moving out - most likely into a rental that doesn't allow pets - and possibly moving frequently.  You'll be starting work full time.  Your life is going to be unsettled for several years.  

    Also dogs are expensive and college and the first few years you are on your own are usually lean years.  How are you going to pay for it?

    It just isn't a great time to get a dog.

  3. 1. No.  You are not home consistently enough to properly house train and socialize any puppy of any breed.

    2. Yes.  Puppies are a lot of work, and when they hit 6 months-2 years they become "adolescent" (the age at which adolescence sets in and how long it lasts as well as how long any negative behavior associated with adolescence lasts varies depending on the individual dog) and they will challenge you just to see how much they can get away with.  German shepherds can be obnoxious, overly active, and very destructive as puppies especially if not given an appropriate outlet for their energy.

    3. Yes.  Especially if you are not home during the day to train them.  A puppy is only physically capable of "holding it" for about their age in months plus one hour.  So an 8 week old puppy is not physically capable of waiting more than 3 hours between potty breaks.  And for successful housetraining it is highly recommended that you don't push the puppy to the maximum length of time between potty breaks.

    4.  Good god, yes!  German shepherds are affectionately known as German Shedders to owners and breed enthusiasts.  This breed has an undercoat which sheds year-round with two very heavy sheds a year when they "blow" their undercoat.  If you can't deal with dog hair and lots of it, don't get a german shepherd.  Period.  

    5.  It probably won't cause any physical harm to the dog.  But like I said in my answer to your third question, puppies really can't be expected to hold it for 5-6 hours until almost adolescence so you must be prepared to clean up messes every day when you get home for the first few months.  It also leaves the puppy a lot of time to develop undesirable habits if you leave them alone that long without any supervision.  I would expect to have to sacrifice a few personal belongings to sharp puppy teeth for that length of time.

    Kudos to you for doing some research before bringing home a new pet.  However, from what you've told us it really sounds like it would be better for you to either wait a few years for your situation to change a bit or perhaps adopting an adult dog from breed rescue (adult dogs are usually ok left on their own for 5-6 hours and many of them are past adolescence and the puppy destructive stage).

  4. in all honesty?

    I would just wait.  Dogs are a BIG responsibility.  I wish I had waited, but I ended up getting  two puppies while still going to school.  Not only did they have major separation anxiety problems, they still have accidents on occasion and they are both on prozac for the separation anxiety.  if i leave the house and they are not on any drugs they pee and p**p everywhere and tear things apart.  They are getting older now and are much better........on PROZAC!

  5. holy c**p hikixx that sure trumps what i had to say.. wow.





  6. You stated you have done "quite alot of research" but it's obvious you should do a lot more.

  7. seriously finish school.  I didn't and just got my gsd pup, classes are harder than ever, I have no time to myself.  I am so happy with my choice.  

    1.  No I do not think you should get a puppy anything.

    2. yes it is a lot of problems.  They require a lot of work and dedication.

    3. yes they will until you train them not to.

    4. no as a puppy it won't but it will as an adult.

    5. no way in h**l is it safe nor LEGAL to leave a puppy alone for that long.

    It sounds like you don't know enough about the german shepherd, go read up on the breed and then consider where you will be in 10-15 years, then get the dog.  

    All puppies are expensive initially and given their monthly expenses.  Save your money finish school faster and then get the dog.

  8. why do you want this dog?

    Puppies are a LOT of work. Mine just turned eight months, and he is still a handful. haha.

    If you really don't have money as an issue (and puppies are expensive), then you can pay someone to pup-sit for the days when you're in classes.... speaking of money, puppies are slightly less expensive than children. haha.

    Puppy Shots, Food, Supplements, Medications as needed, toys, treats, all that fun stuff.

    Right now I'm spending at least a hundred dollars a month on my pup, and that's without any kind of sitter, or doggie daycare or anything like that.  o_O

    Oh, and they pee and p**p wherever you train them to. They aren't going to magically know where you want them to go, so you will have to spend the time to teach them, and reenforce that behavior.

    oh... and, yeah, it'll shed.... but it isn't so bad if you brush them every few days, to once a week. Some companies also make these brushes that take out the undercoat, which really helps reduce shedding. :)
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