
German citizenship?

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i'm 20 years old i was born in germany and my parents were non-german i lived for 8 years in germany and my parents lived there for atleast 20 years as legal residants, do i have the right to ask for a german citizenship according to the german foriegn's law?




  1. you failed to mention your country of residence now ?

    are you living in the US now ? or somewhere else ?

    - by naturalization

    Naturalizations of people with permanent residence outside Germany are  # rare #

    Applicants have to meet a host of requirements; you typically have to give up your present citizenship(s) in order to become a German citizen, fluency in the German language is another precondition - for more information, contact the competent German Mission in the US.

    Question 3

    How can I lose German citizenship?

    - by voluntarily acquiring a foreign citizenship

    If you willingly apply for a foreign citizenship and obtain it, the German citizenship is automatically lost. If you obtain a foreign citizenship without an application for naturalization, you remain a German citizen.

    - Please note: Loss of citizenship can be avoided by obtaining a special permit ("Beibehaltungsgenehmigung") before you are naturalized in a foreign country. For more information, see here.

    - By voluntarily entering into the armed forces or other armed units of a country whose citizenship you also have (Example: a person with German and US citizenship starts a career in the US Navy). Male persons can avoid the loss of citizenship by getting a special permit.

    - by renunciation (if you hold dual citizenship)

    If you are holding dual citizenship (German and at least one other citizenship), you can renounce the German citizenship by declaration.

    - by adoption

    If you are adopted by a non-German and are no longer considered to be legally related to your German parent(s), you lose German citizenship if the adoption automatically makes you a citizen of your adopted parents' country.

    Question 4

    How can I obtain a certificate proving my German citizenship?

    If your citizenship status cannot be determined by the German diplomatic or consular mission and in some other cases where the law requires it, you will need to apply for a German certificate of citizenship (Staatsangehörigkeitsausweis). Such a certificate might be needed in order to be able to issue you a German passport.

    For further information please click here . The application form is available here .

    Processing times for these applications can be fairly long depending on the amount of necessary research and the possible involvement of other government offices.

    if you are in the US ? please click on this page and enter your state :

  2. Provided that certain other prerequisites are fulfilled, foreigners in general have the right to become naturalized after only 8 years of habitual residence in the Federal Republic of Germany.

    For naturalization, it is necessary to prove adequate knowledge of Germany and the german language. A clean record and commitment to the tenets of the Basic Law (Constitution) are further criteria. The person to be naturalized must also be in a position to pay for his/her own maintenance.

    The principle of the avoidance of multiple nationality still marks the law on nationality. Those applying for naturalization must in principle give up their foreign nationality. However in contrast to previous legislation, their are generous rules governing exceptions which allow the previous nationality to be retained. These apply for example to elderly persons and victims of political persecution.

    As none of your parents is a german citizen, you must live in Germany if you want to apply to the german citizenship and you must fullfill the requirements of the section 8  of the German Nationality Act.

    You can see the english text of the german Nationality Act (and the section 8) in the following link:

    for more information you can also visit the oficial web of the german Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see the link below).

  3. Children: German Citizenship Through Birth

    Children who have at least one parent with German citizenship, regardless whether it is the mother or father, are automatically German citizens from birth onwards. If both parents are foreign nationals, the child only has German citizenship automatically from birth if one or more of the parents has been legally living in Germany for a period of 8 years and has a settlement permit ("Niederlassungserlaubnis") or is an EU citizen entitled to freedom of movement.

  4. Here is the correct information, directly from the German government:
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