
German currency?

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Hello I am planning a trip to see the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany. What would € 9.00 be in American dollars?? Is our currency worth more than theirs, or is it vice-versa? Any other tips on German culture would be appreciated too. Thanks!




  1. You have to pay about $1.36 to get one Euro, so the dollar is worth less than the Euro right now. That means that €9.00 is about $12.24.

    I hope you are planning on seeing more than just the Neuschwanstein Castle. There is really a lot to see in Germany, even if you're just in southern Germany: Munich, the whole Lake Constance area, Rothenburg o.d. Tauber, Ulm, Heidelberg just to name a few.

    Wherever you go, enjoy your trip.

  2. The Euro is worth more than American money currently. It is similar and only a bit more than american worth.  So if it is 9 Euro it would be anywhere from 9-10.50 in dollars.

    as far as german culture, just dont be the stereotypical 'American Tourist' who is obnoxous, rude, and impatient or unaccpeting of their differnt customs. If you can, at least pick up on a few friendly and important German words and phrases.

    here are a few i know (i will spell like it sounds)-

    Googen tAAg - Good Day

    Choos- Hello in german slang

    numbers and words like No, and thank you help to!

    good luck


    That should take care of your conversion rates.

    As for German culture, that would fill pages and pages, the most important would be to learn to use and understand some German key phrases, Germans tend to treat people without any German as a kind of "special needs" person, to put it politely.

    If you are lucky enough to find fluent English speakers among the natives, it is better to avoid religion as a subject, or the history of the second world war, they also don't like to be asked about their salaries or their general financial affairs, even and especially if they are well off.

    If you have time you should actually also go and see Herrenchiemsee and/or Hohenschwangau, the other palaces of mad Ludwig.

  4. they use the euro dollar and its worth more then ours

  5. Go to

  6. I've been to Neuschwanstein and it was a teeny bit of a waste of time, if you're walking up the small mountain it takes ages just to see two completed stories of the castle because his budget was cut off when he tried to build the rest of it. Munich is a wonderful city and I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. By the way, I am a bit biased with N castle because it was a very wet day when I went and we had a terrible guide. I leave you with Prost and Tschuss!

  7. the euro is worth more than the us dollar, it would cost you about $1.30 to get 1 euro.

  8. The Euro is worth more than the Dollar. Right now you have to spend about $1.30 for 1 Euro.

    Germany is a beautiful country. I am German, my husband is American. All Americans I know who been to Germany loved it. Enjoy your trip!
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