
German electricity is 220 American electricity is 110 , how do I plug in my laptop?

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Thanks so much for the info. The charger does say 110 -240 volts. We did pick up a plug adapter. My daughter leaves for Germany in 2 weeks. I'm the one stressing the deatils.




  1. there should be some kind of converter or adapter for your computer.

  2. use a step up step down transformer for short

  3. I am not sure if you have a German Laptop and are here in America or if you have an American Laptop that you want to use in Germany, either way though you can buy a travel set of adapters to use various standard plugs and outlets, you can get this at almost any mall, international airport, or online.  Here is the search for "US to Euro Power Adapter"

    Or you can go to Radio Shack and talk to someone about the transformer you would need to put inline with your power cord, but this will look bulky and amateurish.

  4. it's 110 , U.K. is 220 / 240 .

  5. Since your charger shows 110-240volts, you can plug your laptop adapter directly to an outlet in Germany even without any transformer.We have used a US laptop charger in the Philippines which has 220V outlet voltage without any step down transformer.

  6. first off, go and read the back of your laptop charger. is there anything saying like this: 110~220V is yes then you dont need anything else simply you can plug it in to any coltages between 110 and 220 Volts. BUT if there is no such thing, then you need to go to RadioShack or BestBuy and ask for a "travel convertor kit" which converts the electricity from 220 to 110. or just simply buy and adapter, BUT why did I emphasize on TRAVEL KIT instead of adapter because:

    Germanys plug is even NOT the same as US. in US of course the plugs are in the shape of two parallel rectangles. BUT in germany they have either the ROUND shape plug or the 45 degrees slanted plugs which is totally different than US plug's shape. therefore you alos need a physical plug convertor besides an adapter. that is all included in the TRAVEL KIT. hope it was helpful,

  7. Since you've already determined that your adapter will work on that voltage (110-240v), all you need is a plug adapter from German plug to American, something like this They don't cost very much (around $5) and you can use it for all electronics as long as they can handle the Germany voltage.

  8. Laptops usually come with a power converter (charger). It is that black box thing where you plug in the cable from the mains. It has a thinner cable going to the laptop.

    The charger will usually take in any voltage from 110 to 240 and convert it to 9 V as required by your laptop. (Do read the label on the charger to confirm this.)

    All you need to do it to find a cable with the right "plug" for German mains outlets. You will be good to go then.

    I have attached a link to what the charger looks like ...

  9. have a look at the power supply for your laptop. somwhere on there will be a sticker telling you the input and output specifications.

    e.g. on mine it says input range 100-240v, output 18.5v, meaning I can use it pretty much anywhere in the world with the correct plug adapter. One of those travel adapter jobbies will do just fine, providing your laptop supply is capable.

  10. One thing is the current, the other is the plug shape.

    The great thing is that laptops and other high tech usually switch automatically so you do not need a converter (it might be that you have to flip a switch outside the machine, check with manufacturer's instruction).

    However you will need a simple travel adapter for Europe (drug store) to get your cord in the outlet; unless you find someone's fitting plug and cord overseas that you can use meanwhile.

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