
German girls........?

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just visited my brother in germany, hes in the army, and i noticed all the girls around the base were trashy and nasty i didn't meet or see one girl who wasn't all "whoreish", it was gross. why are german girls like that?




  1. riley -

    I think you should have gotten out a little more and a llittle farther from the base.  German women are no different than women/people in any other part of the world.  I spent 15 years in Germany and found the German women/people to be warm, friendly and engaging.  

    sometimes, just like any other part of the world, there are certain types of people that frequent certain areas to exploit opportunities to make quick money.  This is true everywhere, not just in Germany.  I would point out however that there are local ordanences/laws that prohit certain "activities" within a certain amount of distance from the gates of US installations.

    I would remind the asker that places like San Antonio TX, and areas around California have all kind of riff-raff businesses outside of military bases that really reek of low-class businesses.  By and large our bases in Germany are free from a lot of the riff-raff that acompany US military activities through-out the world.  

    I believe if you would take the time to look beyond the 5 or 6 German girls that frequent locations outside of US installations in Germany, you may be totally surprised at what you find. In my opinion, German people are very tolerant of hosting the large amount of US service-personnel that are stationed on their home soil, and it is they who put up with alot of ill-mannerisms from US personnel, who don't bother to learn the local customs and manners of our German hosts.

    Further, I think if you had taken the time to explore more of the German culture beyond the perimeters of the US installation, you would find a people with very high morals and standards, who are genuinely friendly and support our NATO partnership and tolerate a lot of belligerent GIs......

    I believe if you honestly think about how we present ourselves to the German people, you'll have to agree that they are very, very tolerant.

    Having said that, good relations go both ways.

    good luck and may God bless

  2. Man, am I sorry you meet the wrong women! Maybe you guys should have went to a place further away from the post, becasue the Germans are NOT whoreish!  There are some very inteligent and beautiful women in Germany, I think you just have been at the wrong place at the wrong time. And for all those who say the Germans "are all like this", did you EVER leave post? Or the area around post? Maybe what you saw were Americans, or Lord knows what, but that doesnt mean the German girls are ALL whoreish!

  3. Isn't this around an American army base?

    Enough said...

  4. As others have said before: Not all German girls are whorish. Other side of the truth: You'll have a hard time explaining to some (admittedly rather older) German people that not every US-American soldier is either on duty or drunk, wanting s*x (generally without caring who it was he had it with, as long as he got some), dealing with drugs and usually married and cheating on his wife while away over in Germany.

    Even though I am from southern Germany and have lived close to US bases all my life (therefore I have run into A LOT of US soldiers in my life while going out), I have never hooked up with one. Why? Lets just say that to the intelligent observer (and to the observer who was able to understand drunken US-American slang in various dialects), it was pretty obvious as to what they wanted and how "deep" that relationship was going to be. All in all, the drunker they got, the plumper and horribly unimaginative the pick-up lines or conversations became. And while some girls are out there to quickly get some, too, I imagine that is the case in every country. The ones who don't want to be treated as a quick pick up to be dropped the next day will not go to clubs and places where there is a large amount of guys treating them like that. And the soldiers who are interested in going out in a foreign country and getting to know people for peoples sake (and not for fu(ks sake) don't frequent the "pick up" clubs. As easy as that. Maybe you should ask yourself (and your brother) what kind of light he is shedding on the Army, going to such places?

    In the light of this rosy picture of American culture painted by all the soldiers staying in Germany, it is not all that funny that my whole family basically told me I was crazy when I announced I was going to the US as an Au-Pair (kind of nanny) after finishing school. And what would you know, I found not all American guys to be drunk every night and simply want s*x for the h*ll of it.

    Nonetheless, I think it is very nice of the US Army to be sorting them out and concentrating them for me so I have less trouble avoiding them and get to know people who are interesting, not interested.  

  5. because german girls are just s***s especially when it comes to amereican soldiers becuz there all about there money and being nasty

  6. Perhaps you should change the place, where you look for girls? Of course, some are as you remarked, but really not all German girls. Also there are many biases between Germans and Americans. People or girls seeking contact to Americans very often think on cowboys, Denver Clan, Rambo and Coyote Ugly, because they think, they fit together and they like that style. Other, who don’t like that style; they do not seek contacts to American soldiers. So perhaps you will find other girls out of barracks and the habitual gatherings of US soldiers.

  7. im a military wife, and i was stationed in baumholder germany for 2 years, and i can see where you comming from to a point, But i really don't think its just german girls, i think ever kind of people have "s***s" it just depends on the person. And i think around every base, you will find more girls like that because the guys are willing to give them attention, my friend just lost her husband to a german girl he had an affair with,and i've gotten in to a few fights with mine a long time ago about them as well. I just think there culture is different then ours, But honestly it was the same way when we were stationed in korea, the girls where like that, my husband thinks all girls from other countrieswho act like that around army bases, want money, or there green card, i dont know sure if you went to bases in america there would be "whoreish" girls to around them, because theres men willing to give them attention.

    but i can understand why you felt like that, having gone visited there, and went out and seen the way alot of girls act. i hope you have a better experience next time.

  8. Maybe the "whoreish" was in the eyes of the beholder. In other words, take a good look in the mirror before becoming judgmental of others.

  9. they know soldiers are lonely and have money and are in another country away from home. and they love that field pay not all them are, but most of the ones that do live around bases, have had themselves a few or more soldiers in there pants.
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