
German men-what is your favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

by Guest59438  |  earlier

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German men-what is your favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?




  1. I'm a german man and i never eat sauerkraut and mashed potatoes   :o)

    sorry, but the question is really hard to answer... for breakfast i'm ok with the others (little white bread with marmelade etc - but also croissants).

    for lunch german men and women normally eat what they like - this could be a salad as well as a pizza or pasta or a schnitzel... same for dinner.

    it also depends on the living/working behaviour - lots of the working class do have the possibility to eat at work in the cantina. so they prefer bread/ham/cheese for lunch.

    other people (often singles) work the whole day and have just something little for lunch do then meet with friends for dinner with full dishes (italian, international, ...).

    italian is one of the most prefered cooking in germany.

    so you see - nothin is general  :o)

  2. --Brot, Broetchen, Schinken, Marmelade, Joghurt, gekochtes Ei Kaffee Milch. (Bread, Rolls, Purscutto, Jam, Joghurt, boiled egg, coffee, milk)

    --Kartoffeln, Beef Soup, Baguette, Mustard

    --Bread w cheese and Wurst, Tee

  3. 99% german men eat, for breakfast broetchen (little fresh bread) with ham, cheese or butter with gelee, for lunch Bratwurst (sausage) with also little bread, mustard on it, dinner sauerkraut, sausage, mush potatoes.

    The young generation eat different stuff, like pizzas, hamburgers and international food.

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