
German speakers, please help me?

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How do you pronounce the name Joachim in German? Please use English phonetics. Thanks!




  1. English doesn't have the 'ch' sound to write down the correct pronunciation of this word

    the 'ch' is *not* pronounced 'k', that's a typical american pronunciation

    It's pronounced like a Spanish 'j' or a Scottish ch in 'loch'

    So I can only give you a Spanish phonetic transcription:


    @Goth Skunk

    No, it's pronounced different in English and in German

  2. Yoa and then a cat his sound for the ch then em as in team

  3. Yo-ah-keem. That's the correct pronunciation of the name, regardless of language.

    And by the way, yes, your teacher is incorrect. 'ch' in German is pronouced at the back of your throat.

    'Ish bin ein Amerikaner' is a p**s-poor way of speaking German.

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