
German speakers can you tell me what this line from Lola Rennt / Run Lola Run is?

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This is a clip of Franka Potente singing the song Believe and there is a clip from Run Lola Run in German at the beginning. Can you tell me what they are saying?

Here I will try to spell out what they are saying:

"Fure stan ??? ??? ??? messen ma?

Fure stchan messen?




  1. Moritz Bleibtreu asks her:

    "Wenn ich jetzt sterben würde – was würdest du dann machen?"

    = "If I died right now – what would you do?"

    Franka Potente replies:

    "Ich würde dich nicht sterben lassen!"

    = "I would not let you die!"

  2. The guy (Moritz Bleibtreu) is asking: "If I would die now, what would you do?" and she replies "Ich wuerde dich sterben lassen." / "I would let you die!"

  3. No she replied "Ich würde dich NICHT sterben lassen!"

    (I wouldn´t let you die!)

  4. Moritz Bleibtreu says:

    "Was wäre, wenn ich jetzt sterben würde?"

    ("What would be if I would die now?")

    Franka Potente (Lola) says:

    "Ich würde dich nicht sterben lassen."

    ("I wouldn't let you die.")

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