
Germany - Where to go?

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I am going to Germany. Which city is the best to visit and why?




  1. Do you only want to see the city or are you interested in the landscape/nature as well?  Will you have a car?  I would go with one of the larger towns in Bavaria.  Munich has a lot to offer a tourist, plus it's what most people think of when they think of Germany - lederhosen and dirndl's and beer.....and much, much more than that.  There is a fabulous night life, great food, museums, parks Biergartens, open air markets, shopping PLUS, the city is surrounded by probably thousands of little villages.  To the north is the worlds largest hops growing region (no, it's not a telephone pole's what hops grows on) and to the South are the Alps.  Munich makes for an excellent base camp, and even if you don't have a car, you can easily take the train to Nuermburg and Garmisch or Starnberg etc..  There is a lot to see and do in all directions to satisfy all interests.  It's also a university city, so there are lots of younger people out and about all the time.

  2. Heidelberg for sure, it's in the south of Germany.  Beautiful town, castle, and theatre.  I'm going there next year to visit family.  Have fun!!!

  3. I've only been to one town, Heidleberg.  It was very nice and I wish that the US was as open sexually as they are.

  4. If you have never been there, I don't think it matters. Everything will be new and different to you. I've lived there for 23 years....all over Germany....and still have not seen it all. I would say, get a trainpass for a month, hop on, and just enjoy. If I did have to name a city, it would probably be either Berlin or Munich. There is ALWAYS something going on there ! Hope you have a blast ! Auf Wiedersehen !!!!

  5. heidelberg is very nice. there's a nice castle and there a re lots of students (big university)'s been awesome during the world cup. :-)

    stuttgart is a cool city too. bigger than heidelberg.

    munich can be fun too.

  6. you should have been there 1 month before.

    Now the one month festival/party is over..but you might still get to hear the legend.

  7. Hi my husband and I are station in Germany, I have to say kaiserslautern ,a americanized (K-town) german city , also a place called Trier Germany :Germany's oldest city, is located 120 miles west of Frankfurt and close to the Luxembourg border.The picturesque town on the Moselle river dates back to Roman times and offers the visitor of today the conveniences of a modern city. I also have alot of pictures on my 360 page in a folder of Trier feild trip I took with my kid, Also the Blackforest ! anywhere west and south are very pretty! Hope this helps you .

  8. Munich would be the best to visit.  In and of itself, there are a ton of historical things to see and do there - some of them don't involve beer, even.  Otherwise, Munich is centrally located within Bavaria and can be used as an excellent base camp for day trips to other towns and sites -> lots of incredible castles (Thanks to Kind Ludwig II) and history.  Figure out where era you'd like and you can see something from that era within an hour or two from Munich.  Can't go wrong.

  9. Everywhere

  10. Its too late

  11. Bremen!

    Its really out of the mainstream as far as touristy stuff goes.  Most of the tourists are down south.  There are really pretty buildings and plazas, the North Sea isnt far away at all.  Cross the street from the Hauptbahnhof, on the right is a door that leads down some stairs.... and - Paddys, an awesome irish pub!  Theres a tram system all over town, theres windmills, lots of shopping in easier walking distances than Berlin or some other big cities - the bronze statues are adorable!  Theres also another statue, I think it was mentioned in Brothers Grimm, of a donkey with a wolf/coyote-resembling creature, something i cant tell what it is, and a rooster on top.  Really cool statue - touch it for good luck!  

    Erfurt is also really nice.  Theres a large tunnel system in the walls, a great view, and if youre going end of september/early october, they have their oktoberfest stuff set up!

  12. Anywhere in Bavaria. Munich, Nuremburg, Stuttgart. Southern Germans have a reputation for being more friendly than Northern Germans plus you get to see the beautiful Alps!!

  13. Heidelberg is certainly nice, but don't expect to be the first American to go there. The town is crammed with American and Japanese tourists during summer.

    Regensburg, Tübingen or Freiburg easily match Heidelberg's beauty but they're far less crowded with tourists.

    Berlin has arguably the best nightlife in Germany and is a city with a lot of history. So unless you're looking for an romantic old medieval city center I would recommend you go to Berlin.

  14. I lived in Heidelberg for two years. There are many different "parts" of germany. Rothernburg reminded me of the ginger bread type of houses and very medival, but then Garmisch reminds me of the a-frame style of houses.

    I would say check out the romantic road, that will take you to some very nice towns.


  15. Hamburg was very very different, not sure how old you are, but they have a lot of s*x clubs and stores there.  We went at night with a big group of people, and went into one of the bars, and had a round of German beer...I had some kind of fruity beer that was really good.  We also went to Berlin, very very deep in history.  We saw the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, the Jewish museum, and saw where Hitler's bunker was before it got bombed.  Oh, and Brandenburg Gate was really neat too, though they are doing a lot of construction around it right now.  Have fun!!

  16. Errrr, London.

    Germany is the same wherever you go.
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