
Germany after ww1?

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What impact did the following have after ww1? and can someone describe to me what each of these mean as well!

The Treaty of Versailles


Depression and Unemployment

Political Instability




  1. A. Loaded war reparations on Germany, which Germany paid with hyperinflated currency. Some one I don't remember said, "This is not a peace. It is a truce of 20 years."

    B. Destroyed the savings and pensions of Germans.

    C. What would you expect?

    D. What do you mean by political instability, and in what period?

  2. R U girlz happy ? U made that poor dweeb do all your homework !

  3. Those are some pretty broad questions to answer...

    The Treaty of Versailles was the treaty that officially ended the war. It was mostly written by the four major allies, (GB, France, USA, and Italy). Germany had no say in the provisions. Each of the allies had their own agenda and Germany often came out on the short end of the stick, so to speak. Many historians blame the treaty along with economic problems for the rise of the n**i party.

    Hyperinflation would be a problem that plauged the Weimar Repubic during the 20s. The price of many items soared by huge percentages.

  4. The Treaty of Versailles was a dictate by the victors, destroying the little bit of pride of the German nation that may have been left after the capitulation by the Germans. It determined incorrectly that the German empire was the only guilty party, having allegedly started WW1 (wrong again). It reduced the geographic size of Germany dramatically by taking away German lands that had been for millenniums German settlements and its worldwide Colonies, demanded incredibly high reparations in money, services and natural resources. This "treaty" was the major cause for WW2.

    Hyperinflation was the result of a ruined German economy because of war expenses, reparations and dramatically reduced resources. Money was no longer based on a healthy economy and a stable gold reserve (which was also taken by the victors). For this reason, payments by governments for its citizens and by private industry for its employees was "enabled" only by printing money. More every day until the economy collapsed totally.

    Depression and Unemployment followed and  in the late twenties was accelerated by a worldwide economic collapse. More so for Germany because of its lost strong industrial capabilities and the heavy reparation payments to foreign countries.

    Political Instability was caused in Germany by the abrupt change in the political and government systems by the revolution and removal of the monarchy and its stabilizing structure. The young democracy had no time to adjust to the changed conditions including the immense payments of reparations. Numerous political parties were formed for every fringe ideology accusing each other for the demise and also for treasonous cooperation with the victors rather than governing the country in a fair and constructive way. Communists, Marxists, Socialists, Anarchists were fighting (literally) Centrists, Nationalists and National Socialists. Extremists and unrest ruled the daily life. The political system did allow that many fractions of political orientation could form parties that were elected to the Government Assemblies (Reichstag). There was never a strong majority of one or two parties able to be formed, in spite the constitutional potential to form coalitions with each other to form a more stable government. Political changes were the rule. This resulted in the end that an alleged strong man (Adolf Hitler) could orchestrate in a strict democratic way a coalition to become political leader of the Government. The following decrees by the governing National Socialist coalition usurped the total sole power of the National Socialists.

  5. r u cheating on ur hw? lol

    Germany was put into a huge debt by the treaty of Versailles that it could never pay off.  economic instability caused hyperinflation.  The money was worth essentially would take a wagon load to buy a loaf of bread.  people were starving and the country was desperate.  Naturally, political instability made the country ready to accept anything, so Hitler showed up and with that we get into ww2/holocaust history.

  6. The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty that basicly said that Germany was responsible for the whole war and that they would have to pay all the debt and everything, this made lots of Germens very angry and is something Hitler used getting to power. (He told them he would get rid of the treaty)

    Hyperinflation is when prices for everything skyrockets. Germeny needed to print off more and more money to pay off their debt, which ment their money became more and more useless. Before the war it was 4 marks=1 dollar, after the war it was 4 TRILLION marks = 1 dollar. They needed a wheelbarrow of money just for one loaf of bread! One incident said that a lady left a basket of money outside the store, later when she came out she saw the money was intact except the basket had been stolen!

    They were in economical depression and unemployment was very high, most people didn't have any jobs and their money was worthless so many people were very upset (probobly worse then our great depression)

    Their political parties were very unstable, they kept changing parties in the end Hitler came to power with the n***s. In 1993 President Paul Vn Hindenburg asked Hitler to become chancellor, because he thought it would make the n***s happier, because they held such a big space in the political party. Then Hitler becomes a dictator and you know what happens next.

    Hope that helps!
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