
Germany code for S.A?

by Guest66981  |  earlier

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What will I need to put in If i want to make a international call from South Africa to Germany Nordrhein Westfalen Dortmund I found something but it didnt work this is what it looks like

09~0 + 49 + 231+ Tel #

and what does the squigly thing after 09 mean

when I tried it said please insert a one after the third digit.

Please help, Im really confused




  1. its..001-49- and then you leave out the first digit of the actual phone number in ur case you alraedy did that or it would be 0231.

  2. I hope that I can help you!

    I live in Germany/Hamburg and here it`s 0049-40-tel.

    Try 0049-231-tel.!

    Hope it works!

  3. Try this website:

    I use this when traveling in different countries and I am not sure how to dial.

    I hope that this helps!

  4. The prefix for international calls from SA is 00, country code for Germany is 49 and area code for Dortmund is 0231 but for calls from abroad without the leading 0.

    So it is: 00-49-231-number in Dortmund.

    The 09~0 in your something refers to the old international prefix in SA, which was 09 and still valid for a few months after the introduction of the 00. At that time you could dial either 09 or 00 (what 09~0 probably is supposed to mean) for international calls. But 09 is abandoned now and you have to dial 00.

  5. You need to dial the country code from South Africa to Germany and than the area code from the city you want to call and the phone number.

    example: if you are calling from the US (049 country code) and area code Frankfurt/M. 069 and the phone # xxxxxx.

    When you dial the numbers take the 0"s out. 4969xxxx.

    I hope I can help you little bit.
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