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O.k. so I was wondering... if you are an American citizen and you want to live in a foreign country (Germany in this case) how would you do that? Because you can't just move to Germany. Do you need to get Visa's??? Is it possible to apply for German citizenship? I don't mean just to visit I mean to LIVE there. Would you still be able to visit the states? I also do NOT mean to live in an American base. I mean to literally live on the German economy. Because I currently live in Germany because of the Army. I love it here so much! and I want to live here when I get older.

Thanks for any help!




  1. You need VISA " Aufenthaltsgenehmigung"

    You must go to school "intergation course"for  language,for application of German Citizenship.

  2. I'm German but I honestly I don't know much about the German immigration law. But I found a couple of websites, one of it is the official website. I'm sure you can find the answer to your question here.

  3. other than getting your "Aufenthaltsgenehmigung", Germany now requires non native-speakers who want to live and work in Germany to take German-classes. So to live there, get some info from "auswaertiges amt deutschland", they should be able to answer most of your questions. And yes, you would be able to visit the US. Either with your US passport or -if you choose to get German citizenship- with a visa.

  4. The list say that you don't need a visa but probably a work permit. You can check this official website:

  5. You will need a permanent visa for to stay and a working visa so you can earn your own money. Living, clothes and food are more expensive than in the USA, our v.a.t. is up to 19%.

    And you need to speak German if you want to live and work here.

    And last but not least - we have a lack of jobs here.

    We welcome you as a tourist so you can have a look.

    Then think it over.

  6. you need a visa
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