
Germination of cacti seeds.?

by Guest34024  |  earlier

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growing media, water,temprature,growth regulaters and new technices.........




  1. I had a large cactus, it bloomed, I moved around the pollen, it had a big fruit on it, I broke open the big green fruit and there were thousands of seeds in it, I planted the seeds in soil mix from K-mart (nothing special), a huge amount of the cactus plants grew. I used miracle-gro plant food, they grew larger, I overwatered and most died, I saved a few.

  2. Best thing to do is to look up each of the varieties of plant whose seeds you have. In a gardening encyclopedia like "Wymans" which is my bible of plants, each species gets a section on propagation, and all forms for that plant are discussed. You will find out which varieties requirements are for things like dormancy if they have it and breaking dormancy, storage, requirements for planting, and problems you could have (with remedies. All seeds have vastly different needs, and cacti can be the toughest to work with. It seems most don't need anything like stratification but if you have the ability to check, then do so.

    If you are unsure as to varieties or they are mixed here is a general planting guide. If you have purchased seed and it is mixed there should be some direction on the packet but aside from that;

    1) Seed needs to be kept in a sunny very warm and stable 70 degrees f. heat. This is found in a sunny southern facing window (all day sun) or greenhouse. Plant any time of year you can maintain this, but do not let it get a lot hotter or fluctuate wildly. 70 f. or so and stable.

    2) In a pot or flat lay out soil. This soil needs to be porous and well drained but you must not allow it to dry out; it must stay moist but not wet of boggy. If it is the seeds will get nasty and rot before you ever see them.

    3) Sow your seed very very shallow and the soil should be moist and have been pre watered to what they will grow in as this will keep them from being disturbed, displaced and provide a stable moist bed. If you use a light soil mixed with sand, sow the seeds on this and then put the lightest coating of sand over them just to barely cover the seed. No more.

    4) Do not start throwing any fertilizer at them. That will do um' in. They are light feeders threw their entire life.

    5) Keep moist without disturbing the new seed, but don't leave them in a soggy bog of standing water. The soil was pre-moistened, then seeded, then covered with sand lightly. Now you can use a mister or spray bottle set on light spray mist, or use an eye dropper, but be careful.

    6) Cover with a sheet of clear plastic or glass to conserve and maintain moisture levels and keep the temp stable, but you must change the air once or twice daily to keep the seeds from damping off; rotting at the base.  So lift the cover for a while and let um' breath and dry just a bit. You need to shade the plants when they first start to sprout for a while to protect them and then gradually let them get full light as they settle in and grow. The plastic or glass can be lightly painted or lightly sprinkle sand or put a little dried grass over the glass for a small amount of shade. What ever works and is easy.

    7) Don't transplant until crowding becomes a real issue. They want stable as long as possible. And there you go, you are now a proud parent.

  3. all the above...

    be sure to use de-ionized or distilled water.

  4. This article is a good one for general information on germination of cacti seeds.

    Some cacti that may be a little more tricky are covered in this site,

  5. Bisimillah Al Rahman Al Raheem

    Ouzibilliahi Mina Shytan Al Rajeem

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