
Gerr .. more gift registry annoyances!?

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So I am looking for a gift registry. One based in Australia, preferably Sydney if I can.

I want to have available for friends and family should they wish to purchase us a engagement present. Quite a few people have been asking my Mum and Dad for gift ideas, so I thought I could just set this up and Mum or Dad can refer them the registry web address if asked. Easy and painless!

Every registry I seem to find only allows a one date bulk delivery. For example, like a week after the wedding (which wouldn't be suitable considering it would be engagement gifts). I just want one where people can go in store / on-line, select the gift and then have it sent individually when they purchase it.

I had a look at which looked good, but thier selection was minimal and depressing. would be fantastic although they also seem to only offer mass delivery.

Does such a thing exsist? I have been googleing 'gift registrys .au' and nothing remarkable is coming up above what I have mentioned.

Suggestions? Ideas??




  1. This site looks pretty good, you can add stuff to your registry from different stores and as far as i can tell it does individual delivery

  2. thats very odd. here in Canada, anywhere that you register, people can buy items any time they like. why dont you try going into a store that you like that sells home stuff and ask them if they do a registry

    good luck!

  3. Try Myers!

    They are great.

  4. just find an individual store and register on their website.  I don't know if they have macy's, target, wal mart, etc in Sydney but you need to find a department store with linens, housewares, appliances, and all that other c**p you need for your house, and just register there.  I've never heard of a website that ships all the gifts at once, that's weird.

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