
Gestational diabetes? and/or preeclamsia?

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I've gained 41 pounds total so far.I'll be 26 weeks on August 31. i was 124 before pregnancy. Here's my monthly/weekly weight gain:

11 weeks-133 pounds

15 weeks-135 pounds

18 weeks-144 pounds

22 weeks-150 pounds

25 weeks-161 pounds

25 weeks 5 days-165 pounds

I'll be taking the sugar glucose test on thursday but I was wondering if I could have gestational diabetes due to my weight gain?

I also have very swollen feet(i wear slippers everyday because i can't find any shoes that fit me) and legs. I get headaches about 3-4 times a week. My blood pressure is fine unless I get mad. Can I also have preeclampsia? My mom had it when she was pregnant with my brother at 15. I know it's more likely for pregnant teens to get it but am i more likely to have/get it if my mom had it? I've reduced my salt intake, drink lots of water, and elevate my feet, i pretty much tried everything for the swelling but nothing helps.




  1. Does your doctor check your urine?  Protien in the urine is a sign of preeclampsia...and I thought that high blood-pressure was an absolute part of preeclampsia, but I guess I could be wrong.

    I had it, and my blood-pressure was WAY high.  They had to put me on magnesium (no fun...really sucks actually) put me on bedrest, and induce labor a little early.  The headaches sound sort of like an indicator, though.  

    Definitely call and tell your doctor and tell him/her that you're concerned.  I don't know about it running in families, but I do know its more common in first-time moms.  Ask your doc to send you home with some of the urine test-strips so you can check for yourself on a regular basis, since they definitely need to consider things if they find excess protien.  

    As for the swelling:  I'm sorry :(    Its a really uncomfortable part of being pregnant.  (also it IS a sign of call your doc about this too!  Don't worry about looking overly paranoid...OBs and midwives are verrrrry used to it!)  Have you tried TED hose?  I know, not the lovliest thing in the world, but the do help.  They have old people with severe edema wear them, and it helps.  You can get them anywhere (walmart, walgreens, etc.)   and since summer is almost over it shouldn't be a problem hiding them under pants and shoes (might be a little more reluctant to wear them if all you were comfy in were shorts and sandals.)  Sodium and potassium both play a roll in water balance.  Its good that you are cutting down on the salt, but you should try adding some more potassium to your diet.  Dried apricots are an even better source than bananas.  

    Call your doc's office and see if they'll let you come in before your next scheduled appointment to address all these worries and discomforts.  They'll probably accomodate you.  If they don't, just remind them that you've got a human being in your uterus and its not very comfortable.  Hopefully they can ease your worries and maybe there's even a safe diaretic they can give you for the swelling.

    Hope you feel better!

  2. If your blood pressure is normal at your dr. appointments and they havent found protien in your urine, then most likely its not preeclampsia..could be gestational diabetes, no way to tell for sure until you get the test results, I gained 55 pounds durring my pregnancy and didnt have g.d but at 37 weeks I developed preeclampsia. Just keep an eye on the swelling, bring it to your dr's attention if you havent already.

  3. are you flushed in the cheeks after meals or constantly?

    you should probably really focus on a good eating plan of fruit and veges and definitely no sugar or fatty foods..

    Is the weight gain in your belly or in your overall body.. pregnancy diabetes affects the baby's weight more so.

    A lady i would see at my check ups was 36wks before they discovered her diabetes and pre eclampsia.. she gave birth 2 days after our check up. They flew her to another town with a good neonatal ward. Her baby was 4 wks premie but 15 lbs. almost the size of a 6mth old baby!!  i saw her when i had my son 3 wks later, she was flown back to our home town and had a lot of problems with her c section suture and his jaundice.

    At 36 wks she was huge!!! her belly sat past her lap and one lovely grandmother in the waiting room asked if she was having triplets... she was so embarrassed.

    what ever you do make sure you have a balanced diet. you don't want to be giving birth to a monster baby.. he dropped weight from 15lbs to 9lbs and had  a lot of problems with him i dont want it happening to anyone else..

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