
Gestational diabetes?

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hi im 37wks preg. tuesday! found out at 28 wks that i have gestational diabetes was wondering how things went for others with the same condition trying to keep blood sugar under control but kinda hard to tell a preg woman that she aint allowed to eat all the things she wants so badly. so i guess my question is, if you had the same thing and did you follow low carb diet or did you eat whatever you wanted and was the baby overly large, did you have to have c-section?




  1. You need to get better information from your doctor.   Not eating properly with gestational diabetes and keeping your blood sugar levels in check can lead to far worse things than just having an oversized baby.  It can also interfere with the development of their internal organs leading to lots of problems when they are born.

    I know it's hard but please don't be selfish.  It's a short period of time to sacrifice certain food choices for the well-being of your child.

    I'm not just saying this as a matter of fact, I'm saying this from first hand experience.  I had GD with both of my pregnancies.  I started both pregnancies very overweight so I also know what it's like to have that love of eating.  

    I had vaginal births for both.  The first was 7lb 6oz and the second was 8lb 13 oz. and perfectly healthy.  

    Best of luck to you!

  2. As for the women that I have come into contact with that have gestational diabetes (I work on labor and delivery) many factors come into play when you have GD. Eating properly is always reccommended, but lets be honest, youre pregnant. As long as you can keep your sugars under control by giving yourself insulin and trying your best to eat well, everything should be alright. In some circumstances women are put on an insulin drip when they first go into active labor to control the many changes in their body during the labor process. Sugars can raise and plumpet quite drasticaly during labor so women who have GD constantly monitored for signs and symptoms of hypo/hyperglycemia. Some doctors will reccommend to induce labor early depending on what the ultrasound shows for babies size. Just because baby may be a little big at the actual due date, does not mean that you will have a c section. I have seen 12 pound babies being delivered vaginally and eveything turned out fine. Just sit back and relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. If your doctor decides to induce you for GD reasonings, just allow things to all happen naturally. Good luck and congrats.

  3. I am diabetic (on insulin).  made it through two pregnancies, and had 7 & 8lb babies both at only 35 weeks!  both c-sections (not everyone has a section).  You are more at risk of a larger baby if your blood sugars are not controlled properly.

    You will need to watch your blood sugars very closely, I'm not sure if you were put on insulin or diet only, but if you are having problems with eating cravings I would suggest it to your doc who will change your medication/insulin accordingly!

    Good luck, wishing you an easy delivery.

  4. hi there

    I had gestational diabetes with my last four pregnancies,,i followed the low carb  diet with all and had no problems untill my last one,which from 36 wks had to have insulin injections my largest babies were 9 lbs 15 and a half oz,(my second baby and seventh weighed the same lol)all natural births,sticking to the low carb/sugar diet will help be patient with it!!!

    hope everything goes well for you

  5. of course you can eat wat you want i have juveniel diabetes and if you have it MAKE SURE YOU TAKE INSULLIN or you will gert very sick
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