
Get Old Facebook Back??

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I don't like the new layout for facebook?! is there any way to change it back?






  1. yeah at the top it says go back to old facebook and it will switch back

  2. I HATE the new one too

  3. top right -back to old facebook

  4. well at the top it may have a bar that says get old facebook back if not idk what to tell you

  5. When you're on the homepage, there should be a bar across the top of the page that has a link to go back to the old Facebook. Whenever I've clicked to go to the new Facebook, that bar has been there, but I do prefer the old.

    If that bar's not there, I'm not sure there is a way for you to go back to the old version.

  6. if that doesnt work just clear your cookies.

  7. yes look at the top right hand coner it shud say old facebook

  8. I Hate It Too

    You Will find a Bar On The Top Of The Page Click " Back To Old Facebook "

  9. at the top of the screen it should say switch back to the old facebook. just click there

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