
Get Welfare Scroungers and Single mothers earning their keep?

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Australia has a program that their Labour party minced and poo-poo-ed at its' inception- but now (in power) is too gutless to change it. It's that incredibly popular

It's called Work for the Dole. Very simply, if you're long term unemployed, physically and mentally capable to swing a broom, push a mower, open a paint tin or operate a litter claw- you have to earn your keep, Onslo

You also have to PROVE you have been unable to find work- and guess what- the Dole people actually chase it up to check if you've been telling porkies.

If you've been lying- you get a nasty bill which they WILL act on and throw you into minimum security jail- where work detail, including cleaning your own porridge hotel, is compulsory.

This doesn't only target the Labour sob-story poor dejected "huddled masses" (BS- we know they're sponger scum)- ubt also lazy Uni students- particularly those who take soft-option arts, humanities and social work wastes of time. I mean degrees.

Why cannot UK copy this?




  1. wow you're really angry about something. hope this rant made you feel better.

  2. I think that's a great idea.  I have long advocated hard, meaningless work for all leeches sucking on the taxpayer teet.  Roust those leeches out of the rack, give them a shovel, point them to a 5,000 pound pile of rocks and have them move it 50 feet.  Then, when they're done, move it back.  The entire time this is going on recruiters from Jack in the Box, McDonalds, Subway and every other fast food joint are happily standing by with employment applications and drug testing facilities to get those folks working inside an air conditioned fast food restaurant.

  3. what a rant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my son is at Uni thank you very much and works d**n hard. sure there are scroungers etc but not all single mothers are - I bought up 2 children single handed (divorce) he skipped abroad and I worked - I am now a pensioner and see how the state repays me with the meagre pension I get. Do we have to copy all the ideas that come from other countries just to make you feel better?

  4. Mmmm Good question Iv never been able to understand why the unemployed are not made to work for their handouts in meanial jobs the type that dont require any commitment, then perhaps they would look for proper work and earn proper wages instead of as you say "watching daytime tv and eating sweeties"

  5. How dare you imply that all single mums don't work, this just shows how ill informed you really are.

    My mum brought me and my brother up on her own for 15 years and she worked 3 jobs. So what makes you think that all single mums don't work? Don't tar everyone one with the same brush just because there are dirty spongers in society!

    I agree that everyone should earn their own keep and if you are capable of working than you should. And the dole people should do check ups, or get you doing community work or charity work so you are earning your keep.

  6. How about this?  Why give them any type of welfare in the first place?  The more government keeps passing the teat for people to suckle on, the less incentive they have to get off their bums and find a living for themselves.  The taxpayers (i.e, people who work for a living) bear the burden of keeping the government teat ever-supplied with milk for the "less fortunate".  It's called socialism, and I believe the UK already has enough of it already.  It's high time for a conservative revolution in the free democratic countries of the West.

  7. in theory its a good idea

    im a single mum of a 3 year old and work part time and am at college studing so next yr when ive completed my course i can get a good job and not rely on benefits

    this government does have a sceme where when ur youngest is 7 they want u to go back to work.

    what they need to do is get more single parents into education and give them 3 yrs to study then get a good job no excuses, but they dont help u out at all there.

    with long term sick they have brought in the thing where u have to prove what u can do not what u cant ut whether that is done properly is yet to be scene,

    this country needs to concentrate on getting the liers off benefits not target single parents

  8. Mr Bullocks, it seems that's all you can really say!!!

    So tell me how long have you been a contribution to this country's economy?

    Do you push a broom that why you are so angry at everyone who does better than you???

    Considering people are losing their jobs because of the credit crunch isn't it a bit cruel to criticise people who claim the dole when you don't even know them or their circumstances??

  9. just remember that the stress of having to go through tests to prove your unfit for work is not very nice and i am talking from experience as i have life threatening illness and this has caused me to give up work at 54, not because i wanted to but because i cannot work i had a good job at £26k a year and enjoyed it.

    what im saying is that not everyone claiming is a scrounger.

  10. this is hard to implement and control, because the people who have connections still get away with not working.

  11. I agree!

  12. When I make Prime Minister you can be my Minister for Social Welfare.

  13. I ve never been on welfare, but it sounds  like terrible  idea.

    Children need their mothers or fathers, and in some countries they actually pay the women a couple years to stay at home with their children, sense they think  well of families and raising decent people that will contribute better to society.  

    In the United States everyone is all wigged out about welfare people, I think there are a lot less, much of our tax dollars that went for welfare still go to helping immigrants.  I have met a couple individuals,truly handicapped ,paralyzed,and on social secsecurity disability form car wreck( and insurance gets off hook) and it is sick and sorry to see the way they live because the income really is low, 600 a month does not pay much of anything, when rent is coming out of it and everything else, if anything I have heard them say , they would do work that the state pays people to pick up litter or other things, its just not that way here, so many times people trying to get off the system end up getting cut off when they try to find a better alternative to see if they can get into the work force so it needs to be better, so that people dont turn to  commit crime for income, which ends up costing more money to taxpayers to instutize them and help the  innocent  kids  and hope they do not become the same way.

    I have worked with those women that husbands left anopt pahing for 3 kids and they had to be on state aid, scraping by, then take up a cleaning job for  job schooling and its ove rfor them, they did not want to bet there.  Those childeren ended up with good college educated paying jobs, once theri mother job on her feet into society -whichis the goal not to judge or punish people that for whatever reason are in that situation.  Perhaps some people resent their job and think those people have it better, I m just greatful I  m not them, and I would rather see tax dollars helping society then going to the moon, and blowing up countries, and Hundred dollars lunches and govenment waste that they are "entitled" to ,on my dime, on my back.

  14. You´re a bit too extreme.  However, I do agree with you about lazy asses.  There are too many of them panhandlers.  They drive up taxes and the hospital costs, and they are everywhere.  I´m from the US, and I think we should adopt that law, where if your are mentally and physically capable, you are obligated to work.

    However, I don´t agree with the attitude towards your so-called "soft-option" degee seeking students.  If you´re pulling 18 to 21 credit hours a semester, it´s a bit difficult to have a job, since most require you to be there at certain times.  Now after college, well, if you worked that hard, you should be able to get a job, right?  Not if the economy is down.  And right now the economy is really down in the US.

  15. I couldnt agree more and i cant see how people can object to this question. The useless uni student statement is so true. There are so many going to univeristy and doing useless subjects simply to keep the unemployment figures down for another 3 years. We dont need all the immigrants to do all the work as we have the workforce here. But our soft as s***t government dosent want to upset people and do what needs to be done.

    cybercommie, what an appropriate name. I actually envy your ignorance and naive view of life. I suppose everything has a rosey tint to you and you think everyone is wonderful. Afraid its not true, and people like you are what have caused many of the problems in the world. Its not all sunshine and rainbows out there and you have to be a decent person but realise other people are not. Hope for the best, plan for the worst!

  16. What a nasty person you are. I feel sorry for you.

    I hope you feel better now and have found some contentment.

  17. Another graduate from the BNP Internet school! Nice spelling! You forgot to link to the Daily Mail article though.

  18. I see you have far left liberals and democrats there too. They are the ones who want to give hand outs to keep people down and not be able to take care of them self, better government control this way. You make a lot good sense.

    The Democrats are pros at trying to gain a political advantage by dividing America. Rather than using rhetoric that will bring people together for common goals, they specialize in pitting one race against another, one gender against another, and one class against another. In particular, let's look at the poverty issue, where Democrat John Edwards  said, "tens of millions of our fellow citizens are completely left out of the economic progress enjoyed by the individuals and corporations on the very top." I guess any discussion by a Democrat is incomplete without throwing in a reference to evil corporations.

    Edwards' comments were in reference to new poverty statistics released by the Census Bureau. The statistics show that for the first time this decade, the poverty rate actually declined. The rate fell from 12.6 percent in 2005 to 12.3 percent in 2006. The Census Bureau reports that the number of people without health insurance coverage rose "from 44.8 million (15.3 percent) in 2005 to 47 million (15.8 percent) in 2006."

    Of course, the Democrats are jumping on the statistics in an attempt to drive a wedge between Americans. John Edwards said in his press release, "We simply cannot stand by while tens of millions of our fellow citizens go without the necessities of life."

    Go without the necessities of life? While there are those who truly struggle each day to even find something to eat, the term "poverty" as used by the Democrats has become distorted, and it's important to cut through the rhetoric and get to the facts.

    To understand poverty in America, it is important to look behind these numbers—to look at the actual living conditions of the individuals the government deems to be poor. For most Americans, the word "poverty" suggests destitution: an inability to provide a family with nutritious food, clothing, and reasonable shelter. But only a small number of the 37 million persons classified as "poor" by the Census Bureau fit that description. While real material hardship certainly does occur, it is limited in scope and severity.

    Most of America's "poor" live in material conditions that would be judged as comfortable or well-off just a few generations ago. Today, the expenditures per person of the lowest-income one-fifth (or quintile) of house­holds equal those of the median American household in the early 1970s, after adjusting for inflation.

    The problem is that the Democrats have used an "us versus them" tactic for so long and liberals talk about the plight of the "poor" in such a way that the truth gets distorted. Here are some interesting facts the Heritage Foundation points out about people the Democrats and government label as "poor".

    -- Forty-three percent of all poor households actu­ally own their own homes. The average home owned by persons classified as poor by the Census Bureau is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage, and a porch or patio.

    -- Eighty percent of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, in 1970, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.

    -- Only 6 percent of poor households are over­crowded. More than two-thirds have more than two rooms per person.

    -- The average poor American has more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens, and other cities throughout Europe. (These comparisons are to the average citizens in foreign countries, not to those classified as poor.)

    -- Nearly three-quarters of poor households own a car; 31 percent own two or more cars.

    -- Ninety-seven percent of poor households have a color television; over half own two or more color televisions.

    -- Seventy-eight percent have a VCR or DVD player; 62 percent have cable or satellite TV reception.

    -- Eighty-nine percent own microwave ovens, more than half have a stereo, and more than a third have an automatic dishwasher.

    Despite the fact that "poor" doesn't necessarily mean "impoverished" as we think about it, and despite the fact that the poverty rate has actually gone down, the Democrats are still speaking gloom and doom. As noted in the Washington Times, Democrats are calling the economic improvements "meager."

    "Too many Americans find themselves still stuck in the deep hole dug by economic policies favoring the wealthy," said House Ways and Means Chairman Charles B. Rangel, New York Democrat.

    It's important for conservatives, especially conservative candidates to be able to slice through this rhetoric of division. Even though the Republicans have a huge mountain to climb in 2008, it is a task that CAN be accomplished with the right candidates and the right platform. It is also important to let the American people know when they are being played for fools, and not let the Democrats twist statistics or try to divide the country. America has real enemies out there... it's in the form of radical terrorists, not the neighbor next door with the nice car.

    Democrats/Liberals will toss you a fish every once in a while, but a Republican will teach you how to fish.

    Australia,please fax over your qualifications for hand outs to Washington, they could use a good example to go by regarding their welfare system.

  19. I surprisingly actually agree with you on this point.  But just curious I keep seeing questions from you and I am wondering why you have so many about single moms and welfare...what gives?  Why does it concern you so much?  There are so many other issues out there you can complain about, why this one so much?

  20. girl, there is no welfare anymore.........  are you writing this from the 1970's?   or what time line are you on?   if the fathers would PAY CHILD SUPPORT. & get themselves fixed, to not make any more babies......  goodness!  CRIKEY!

  21. I would love us to take this on, my partner has just finished his degree and he worked all the way through, nights in clubs, nights in a warehouse and then days in a call centre (around lecture times.) The main response you'll get from people is that "they want to dedicate themselves to ensure they get a good degree."  My partner just got a 2.1. OK, perhaps he MAY have got a 1st if he sat at home instead of working - but given the amount of work he did anyway, i seriously doubt that it would have made such a drastic difference.

    As for the dole dossers, nothing annoys me more - they actually get an increase when they produce more sprogglets to follow in their footsteps, whereas if i manage to get pregnant i will LOSE money for the first twelve months due to swapping from a salary to SMP. Basically, the govt is encouraging people who will breed more canon fodder and reducing the amount of working and useful people who can contribute to society when they are brought up with good work ethics and morals.

    Edit: with regards to hospital costs - i have long said that the NHS should be abolished and that the govt should pay into private health care schemes for everyone that works / has worked and is now retired or are LEGITIMATELY unable to work, this would also curb the number of sprogglets born into families of dole dossers, as they would have to pay for their own birthing pools, drugs and "too posh (LOL) to push" cesareans.

  22. i totally agree with you i am unemployed at the moment due to mental illness but still i am doing every thing in my power to get back in to work for my self respect i meet scroungers when i have to sign on and i really pisses me off.  you see them in the buss station with a bag of cheap cider and a f*g in their mouth but saying this there are some people who find them selfs out of work and truly want to get a job and i respect these people my sister became a one parent family after ending a abusive relationship she worked and completed a degree and is now a collage teacher

  23. i presume your working and keeping the poor, dejected huddled masses in the manner to which they have become accustomed. have a nice day.

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