Australia has a program that their Labour party minced and poo-poo-ed at its' inception- but now (in power) is too gutless to change it. It's that incredibly popular
It's called Work for the Dole. Very simply, if you're long term unemployed, physically and mentally capable to swing a broom, push a mower, open a paint tin or operate a litter claw- you have to earn your keep, Onslo
You also have to PROVE you have been unable to find work- and guess what- the Dole people actually chase it up to check if you've been telling porkies.
If you've been lying- you get a nasty bill which they WILL act on and throw you into minimum security jail- where work detail, including cleaning your own porridge hotel, is compulsory.
This doesn't only target the Labour sob-story poor dejected "huddled masses" (BS- we know they're sponger scum)- ubt also lazy Uni students- particularly those who take soft-option arts, humanities and social work wastes of time. I mean degrees.
Why cannot UK copy this?