
Get a horse in high school???

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im 14 and going into high school next year. right now i dont own a hose (:() but im not sure if that is such a bad thing.... right now i do the 4'6'' jumpers and grand prix st george dressage. the barn is 30 min. away from school and i will get out of school at 2:15. i will be in honors classes. any suggestions/experiences on high school with a horsE???




  1. I had horses all through high school and college, and I managed ok. I knew what i wanted to do with my life anyways and that happened :D

  2. I'm afraid I don't have any experience with this, but you must consider both options:  1) If you got a horse.  2) If you don't (but SERIOUSLY consider every option and action you would have to perform).

    Will you care for it, feed it, love it and give it your time combining that with stressful times and homework and school sports and your social life and be able to cope?  Is it really neccessary to get a horse when you're only 14 and the barn is only 30 minutes away?  Personally, I woudn't get one yet, but maybe when you a bit older (17yo plus, minus).  First get used to High School (which, believe me, is a LOT of work), meet friends and organise your other affairs (socially, sporting-wise and anything else) and then think about the horse. Good Luck :)

  3. Yes you should definitely get a horse. Especially if you are doing the 4' 6'' jumpers u will probably end up doing even better cause u will have a better connection with the horse.  School hasn't really gotten in the way of my riding. You will just have to manage your time well !!! :) If i can train  an off the track horse during highschool you sure can get a horse!

  4. You need to ask your coaches and trainers if they feel you should have a horse right now. You already have a lot on your plate- honors classes are tough, and demand a lot of homework and tests from you if you want to get good grades and plan on going to college one day. You sound as though you have had a lot of advantages already that most girls your age never get- and a very solid equestrian education on top of that. I don't know many 14 year old girls who can compete or ride at FEI levels in dressage, never mind jump as high as you do. 4'6' in jumpers at your age is quite an achievement- have you ridden in many grands prix yet? If not, you should start looking into the possibility of potentially turning professional- you can start earning money for college that way, and it's a great experience for you.

    As for whether or not you should have a horse, I think that is something you and your parents and coaches need to decide as a group. You also need to figure out who is going to pay for what- and be responsible for what.

    Good luck.

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