
Get back together with my ex?

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Me and this guys were dating for a couple of months, but things got complicated because it just wasn't good timing for either of us (he is in college and im in highschool). I told him that we should prob stop contact for a while and recontacted him the other day. We talk occasionally now- on my bday he called me at midnight and then came to visit me at a friend's party. We only ended it a couple of weeks ago and im wonderign if maybe he is missing me like i miss him. We run into eachother a lot so i want to know what is a good way to act when i see him to make him want to make us work. Should i ignore him or be like "i miss you so much ..etc"? thanks




  1. Getting your ex back can be very difficult, considering we often act on pure emotions than on rational thinking.

    My best friend recently went through a breakup and found a website that she claims was the sole reason she was able to get back with her ex.

    I was a bit skeptical at first, but it was pretty remarkable witnessing how she was able to get her ex back after she followed the advice from the website. The tactics are a bit unconventional, but they absolutely work - my friend is proof.

    Here is the website if you are interested - hope it can do for you what it did for my friend:

  2. You will never be able to "make" him want to make it work.  I believe that you are going to have to deal with this breakup and move on.  Sometimes it is hard to be friends with someone whom you want more with.  Yes, he probably does miss you as well, but men do not dwell on those types of feelings as long as women.  If you run into him, you should speak and have a small conversation and move on - no talk about feelings, the past or the future.  All in all, I think it's time to move on.  Your paths may cross again some day on a more serious level, but it doesn't sound like that time is now.  Good luck!

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