
Get faster and stronger?

by  |  earlier

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i want to be really fat like running any suggetions how to? and stronger




  1. You want to be really fat????

    Well if you meant fast and not fat...i suggest you just practice and push yourself more and more every time!

  2. lift weights and run alot

  3. Do you mean fast rather than fat?

    The way to become faster is to run.

    If you want to do distance races then you need to condition your cardiovascular system so you can run long.

    If you want to do sprints then you need to lift weights, do plyometrics, run stadium bleachers or stairs, and do strides.

    When you lift weights do a total body routine and lots of abdominal and core muscle work.

    Stretch every day.

    Eat healthy, drink lots of water.

  4. There is a drill my coach has us do that I cant think of the name at the moment but i'll describe it to you. You start by doing a 100 meter run. then add 10 meters to each interval. Give yourself a 2 minute break inbetween each interval. The exercise will start off easy but because the break time does not change it will become much more difficult very quickly. This is what creates alot of leg strength and endurance.

    good luck!

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