
Get fit ? fun fast ? run hard ?

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im a fit sort of person but i find running very hard to do ?

how can i mak it fun and esay ?

also how can i run for longer as well ? i would like to fun about 15 miles but i can only do 5 and it kills me doing them but yet i can play tennis for 6 hours ?




  1. you have to work up to it It should takes months, if you do it quicker, you'll get hurt or your fitness level will suffer.

    Make it fun by adding farleks( varied speeds) and running trails

  2. just start out slowly. I'd suggest starting out going 3 times a week for 15-20 min, and after a while you should be able to run for 40-50 min, or a shorted, but faster run

  3. Running is not hard to do...if you want to run up to 15 miles, you start with your base training (run 3-5 days a week) some hill/speed training, SLD(slow long distance) and easy runs.

    Only increase your mileage 10% per week, any more could cause injuries, keep up with your tennis as part of your training (cross training is good, helps reduce injuries by using different muscles-tennis is good for core and upper body)  If you want to make it fun, go to your local running store and join their club (sign up for 1/2 marathon training - great for motivation and learning about running stuff), if you have an mp3 player, listen to music while running, especially on your long runs.  Ask a friend to join you...bring your dog....

    Don't get discouraged, keep it up, take advices from runners whose been there.

    heres a great website for running resources:,71...

  4. Ok to answer your first question to make it fun and easy, find someone to run with whose about on your fitness level. To make your runs longer, every 2 weeks add a mile or two, preferebly one, to your long run and you should see increased performance. My personal advice though 15 is a lil much unless your trainging for something. Tennis and running use to totally different parts of your body besides your lungs and stuff. Good luck with whatever.

  5. 15 miles will take a while for you to get to especially if you are only at 5 miles right now. You should never increase your distance a week by 5% or you take the chance of getting hurt. As for making running fun that is something that will take experimenting. Find what makes it fun for you. Some people enjoy listening to music while they run, some love running trails, while some enjoy running on a track. But for the most part is always a good thing to change up your routing every now and again to give it some flavor. For example, don't run distance everyday, every now and again throw in a speed workout or pick 1 day a week and drive somewhere that you rarely run at or have never run at just to give you something new to look at. Good luck with your goal.

  6. ...

    Making running fun and easy . . .

    Running longer . . .

    Running faster . . .

    Before you consider anything else, do make sure that you are running in a pair of running shoes that fit how you run.  If you haven't go to a running specialty store, talk to the folks who work there, get a gait analysis if it's available.  The folks in the store should be able to match your feet and gait to the shoes that will work best for you.

    Making it fun and easy . . . start by considering what you enjoy.   Doing things with people (likely), or alone; running for competition (likely) or fun.  Music, or quiet times.

    Then surround your running with what you enjoy.  For example, if you like doing things with people, find a running group to run with.

    Running longer . . .  is certainly an issue of patience, and increasing the distance you run over time.

    If you can run 5 miles now, and it's difficult, back off a bit.  Consider this schedule:

    For two weeks, run Monday through Saturday, each day, 30 minutes a day.  On Sunday, walk, bicycle, swim, play tennis!

    After the first two weeks, in subsequent weeks increase your running time on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays by 5 minutes a week.

    So, week three run 35 minutes a day on MWFr, and 30 minutes a day on TuThSa.

    Week 4:  40 minutes a day on MWFr.  30 min/day TuThSa.

    And so on.  Week 8 you will be running 60 minutes MWFr, and 30 minutes TThSa.

    After 8 weeks of building up the distance you run, and conditioning your legs to running, it's time to condition your legs to running fast, to running hard.

    Which means keeping your mileage steady but converting your Monday workouts to an interval workout day, and adding "pickup"s to your Wednesday workout.

    So, Monday would be:  run 10 minutes easy.  Then run 5 minutes at a pace you can sustain for that entire distance, and a pace considerably faster than your easy running.  Run (don't walk) 5 minutes easy.  Repeat:  5 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy.  Run the last 30 minutes of this workout easy.

    Wednesday would include:  after running 10 minutes easy, run for 100 meters at 80 to 90% your "all-out" pace.  Recover by running easy for 2-5 minutes.  Repeat this three times, so within the 60 minute workout you end up running 4 pickups of 100 meters each.

    On weeks 10 and 11, increase the repetitions on Mondays by one and the pickups by one, until you are running 4x 5 minute intervals on Monday and 8x 100 meter pickups on Wednesday.

    Then, once you have a base of steady and fast running under you, begin building up the distance of your Friday workout by 5 to 10 minutes a week, but no more.  In an additional 6 to 9 weeks you will be running about 15 miles, on Fridays each week.



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