
Get him to notice me!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I like this boy in my gym class. I think he looks at me sometimes but that might just be my imagination. Hes really popular and single. How should i get him to notice me without him knowing im doing that! I REALLY LIKE HIM!!!!

BTW. Im 13 and in 8th grade! So dont give me c**p that im to young or something like that!




  1. just start talking to him... and try to become one of his friends

  2. haha aw.

    ask him to help you with something..

    kay so wait until he starts practising something (like soccer drills or whatevs)

    start doing something kinda near him

    and then stop, look over for a minute and then walk closer.

    say something like "wow your really good at that" *adorable smile*

    and then just kinda make an offhanded comment about how you wish you could be that good.

    if he seems interested, ask him if he would give you a few pointers and maybe show you how lol

    lmfao hope it works out for yah hun :D  

  3. Next time you choose partners in gym, ask if he wants to be your partner.

    Start talking to him.

    If you get to know him, he might ask you out, or it won't be awkward if you tell him you like him.  

  4. Well just keep waiting for him to read your mind or talk to him.

    Then again here is another tactic.Jump up and down on one leg and cluck like a chicken,believe me he WILL notice you.

  5. Do your friends hang with his friends? If not, wait till you get on the same basketball team or something. Just don't be shy!

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