
Get in shape for track.?

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i want to start track.

my brothers did it and they loved it.

but i cant run really far without getting tired..

how do those people run 3 miles and get about 20 mins?

also what are some benifits (physical) for running track?




  1. honestly man im a guy like you i did track in jounior high, ok listen want to be the fastest kid in school? everyday after your school work out on bench for like 30 minutes then go WITH A FRIEND! and race each other like 40s for like however long it takes till u get tired in a month ull become so fast. XD

  2. well those guys that run the 3 miles in 20 minutes train for it like crazy. I'm a track runner and i focus mainly on the hurdles. that is a sprint race but i jump about ten 36 inch hurdles and cover 3/4 of one lap around the track or 300 meters of running. there's also a shorter, faster hurdle race but the hurdles get higher. so heres the deal. when your in track there are three main types of running: sprinting, middle distance, and long distance. Each has there own little perk. Sprinting is all about speed. the faster the better and trust me it's real nice to be able to run fast but those runners don't have any endurance. Then there's middle distance. That is a mix of both sprinting and long distance in the sense that you have to be able to run fast for a long period of time. That's what i train for and that will also really help you with that whole getting tired too fast thing. Then of course the long distance which is what you aren't conditioned for yet but thats no big deal because in the end most people aren't either. So thats' all about covering massive distances while keepin a consistent pace. Each is trained for a little different but no one is like naturally bad at one. If you want to be about to run really far without getting tired then just keep running far every day. You will get good at it. And the main benefits physically are things like a majorly improved cardiovascular system and an awesome trim build if i do say so myself. lol. Well good luck with track.

  3. Start with a small goal each week & then build upon it. Make sure you do warm up stretches & cool down stretches or you'll cramp. Also, they'll shape you up in track, there's really no prep beforehand.

    Those who run 3 miles in 20 mins have built themselves up by training properly. It didn't happen overnight & took a lot of time & patience. Good luck! Great sport to be doing!

    Benefits: Longer stamina, healthier body, positive body image, competition is good, pushing yourself for a goal & hopefully achieving it. It's part body, part mind.

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