
Get in shape for volleyball club?

by  |  earlier

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I got the results from tryouts and I was invited to play up an age group : ) which as many of you know rarely happens. So to prove i belong there I want to be in good shape to handle the more demanding practices...any suggestions

plus I wanna get thinner for those spandex uniforms.




  1. hey same here! i tried out for 16's and i made the 18s olympic team! im stoked! Practice running the mile in under 7 minutes. then lift weights and do ab workouts!

  2. lol.

    everynight (or every other)

    trying going for an 45-60 min jogg/run

    and do some situps and pushups

    and of course practice vb!

    best of wishes to ya!

  3. send us pictures of you in the uniform

  4. I am also playing up in club and I got in shape, by

    doing a lot of sit ups and running, but you can also wear other black shorts (not tight but still short ones, but if you don't get your uniforms yet) and go to the practices and maybe ask for extra practices. Hope that helps!

  5. wall sits get your thighs in shape for gettin low

    and yoga helps you become leaner and helps u with stretching out to reach that ball

  6. Mmm... Well, my coach was crazy this year during our season. Talk about volleyball BOOT CAMP. But we all loved her... we were one of the fittest teams out there.

    A general work out for us before we were even allowed to practice:

    1. Jog a mile, do NOT walk, keep a constant jog up, even if it is a really slow jog, it is really hard to start jogging again if you stop. Do your best to do it under ten minutes.

    2. Do calves, which is where you place your hands on your hips, and go up on your toes and back down. Do NOT bend your knees, and do NOT rock back and forth. Just straight up and down. Do 100, then stop, stretch, and starting at 1 again, go to 90. Stretch, then to 80, stretch, then to 70... I think you get the pattern. When you hit 10, go up to ten and then straight back down to zero. It strengthens your calf muscles, and REALLY helps you get UP when you jump to hit the ball on the net.

    3. Then stretch, do arms, legs, etc.

    4. Other strengthening excercises that are also amazing to get in shape:

    ~Find a wall and jump on it for 1 minute. It sounds easy, but trust me, it's not! Face the wall... Just jump straight up and down, touching as high up on the wall as you can for a minute straight. Trust me, it will make your head spin from the up and down motion. Made everyone on my team way dizzy.

    ~Sit on the wall for two minutes, where you press your back to the wall and sit as you are in a chair, don't bend your back at all, sit straight, this is great for strengthening your legs. Get some muscle tone going. =3

    ~Then there is the 'duck walk' where you step forward,and bend your legs so your back leg's knee touches the ground, straighten and take a step forward with the leg that just touched the ground, and go down so your opposite leg now touches the ground. This is actually rather painful once you start going... but it's great as well.

    ~And finally, there was the 'bear crawl' where you press your hands flat to the floor, and with feet as flat to the ground as possible, walk on only hands and feet. It looks rather ridiculous, but it's tiring.

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