
Get in shape for volleyball?

by Guest65468  |  earlier

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what can i do to get ready for volleyball tryouts




  1. ~run a lot, but gradually, alittle bit more each day

    ~work your abs a lot, do sit ups, jack knives, and crunches

    ~stretch everyday, especially hamstreams. everytime i power strech them i pull them, so stretch well!!!

    ~do wall sits, hold for like 30-45 seconds, and do like 4 sets a day.

    ~Also, last but not least, warm up, pass back and fourth using control. do it with sets and hits as well.

    good luck with everything

  2. ok thats  agood one.  But all you need to do is run I have been playing cence i was 3 know i am 13 and i am going to stick to the sport when i started to i was 135 pounds and know i am 98 pounds.

  3. Play volleyball a lot.  Practice makes perfect.  Also, doing a little running to get in shape couldn't hurt.

  4. Be yourself and play some pickup games.

    You don't have to be so "in-shape" to go for your tryouts.

  5. Practice ALOT! Also, go for runs alot.  run for 30 mins to 1 hr. It will get you in shape. also, make sure you're upper body is very strong

  6. Eat alot of organic foods and use real butter and try to avoid preservatives..natrual foods and whole grain cereals..and can be done starving yourself is not a good diet..

  7. Start with a run/walk for 30 minutes. then add spins

  8. One of the most important things that usually gets left out in working out is stretching. This should be done before and after each work out (if you run before you lift it should take place after the running (when the muscles are warm)). Flexibility in muscles extremely increases the strength, power, range of motion, and prevents many injuries. You should be stretching everyday even when you are not going to the gym to work out.

    In sports terms, the more flexible you are, the larger your muscles range of motion, therefor the more muscles you use during a skill, leading to more height/power/speed/control/everything.

    For a specific work out including weights you should contact a trainer of some sorts. I'm sure you already know for the most part what you should work on. Leg's are huge. Calves, quads, and hamstrings. In volleyball, triceps and shoulders are very important muscles. One muscle that people usually don't think plays a big part in volleyball is the Abs. And all of these people are greatly mistaken. Your abs help you will control in every aspect of the game, serving, spiking you snap forward. Passing, stabilizes your upper body, even when your lower body isn't. Blocking, stabilizes upper body to hold and press even on hard hits.

    If you would like a somewhat personalized work out, I can help you with that to the best of my ability. It won't be perfect due to the fact of me not being there, but I will give you the knowledge that i have. I am a certified Strength and Conditioning Coach.

  9. I do lots of wind sprints, and to help you get higher find a tree branch and jump and touch it about 20 times take a little break do it again. Passing to wall is good to.

  10. do alot of running, like jogging 4 say, 2o minuites and just keep adding up until you can run consistintly at a goal u set 4 urself. u mightwant 2 do sprints 2 like, sidelines or suicides(i hate thos!!)also, do some pushups, situps and wall sits good luck!!!! hope this helped

  11. do a lot of running

    try to get somebody to throw the ball far and high and you try to track the ball and catch it

    then do some suicides

    another running drill would be when you lay stomach down and somebody throws the volleyball someplace far that has a wall and then you have to get the ball before it hits the wall

    get some practice games in

    stand in place and bump the ball to yourself in one spot

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