
Get in shape?

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whats the best way to get in shape for cross country running during the summer? (cross country is a fall sport but i wanna get in shape before next school year starts so i can do better in races...




  1. run 3k everyday after school and just build it up till you can run it under 14 mins or whatever.

  2. pick the day u wnna run on . i would suggest monday-starurday. i would suggest go to  the neartest highschool track or jst on ur street. first do basic streches. then jog for about 10 mins . then get some1 to stand  about 100-120metres away from u. get em to time your distance running.. dont have bigg steps.. use small QUICK steps kk.

    WATEVER U DO MAKE SURE U NEVER SIT DOWN RITE AFTER A RUN !! u will loose ur stamina and engery .. jst walk around or strech out again

  3. This depends on your age and what distance you're training for.  Typically you should be running 5-6 days a week, maintaining fairly high mileage.  Once a week you should have a long run (which constitutes 20% of your weekly mileage), and at least one other day should be some kind of workout.  Workouts should be limited to 'strength' workouts like hilly runs, mountain runs, fartleks, and tempo runs.

  4. Train hard over summer. If possible, run with your team-mates. It will keep you motivated and you can all help eachother at the same time. Focus on mileage for the first half of summer...speed does not matter at this moment, only accumulating miles. For the second half of the summer, go less miles but increase the speed. Throught the summer, dedicate at least one day a week to hills. Do repeat hills at your own pace, increase the speed as you feel more confortable, a slow jog down the hill is your recovery. As cross country season gets closer, focus a lot on your speed, form, and times.

    Hope this helps =] and have fun in CC!!

  5. I have been running for 8 years now and would recommend the following:

    I would strengthen the core: calves, quads, hams, back and abdominal (the "six pack" muscles along with the obleks), chest and arms. But when strengthening these muscles, I would focus more on the muscle endurance not the muscle bulk. For more advice for this, I would consult with a personal trainer. For the running part, I would stay flexible as it helps/contributes to your balance (so do the muscles in your core) but also helps prevent some injuries like pulled muscles and shin splints. Also, I would try to make up a schedule where you can run for X amount of days and try to have a long run. I would start off slowly, running about 2-3 miles per run for the first week and increase my mileage per week. Make sure you have the following: a good diet, hydration, sleep, a good sense on how to take care of your body, and sleep. Good Luck!!!

  6. run distance every day of the summer. try to get good times during summer. once you are in shape, you will benefit the most of the speed workouts once the season starts or you can even do your own.
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