
Get in the fight or not......?

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there is this kid at school that is really ticking me off my mom told me not to do anything or im going to be in so much touble but i still want to and plan to if i can just get him away from school do you think thats a good plan or not




  1. A good plan is to figure out why you want to handle things physically.   A very good strategy to become acquainted with as young as possible is to stay calm under all circumstances, and especially to NEVER react physically to a non physical "assault".

    Being reactive, rather than reflective in a non violent situation is never appropriate, and,  as your mom suggests, could get you into a lot of trouble -- whether your aggression arises at or away from school.

    I would suggest a bit of introspection on my first point  -- does your ego feel threatened.  Do you have to prove you're not a wimp, etc.   Get over it  !!  And, more important speak to competent counselors on this "challenge".  Why?  Because until you truly understand the dynamics at issue, you WILL keep having this same scenario arise. This is one of your "life lessons".  Deal with it intelligently  !!

    I will here just put in an advert for the benefits of meditation.  Meditating (and exercising) regularly will help you to stay calm no matter what the provocation.  AND, if self defense is needed and appropriate, will UNQUESTIONABLY help you to respond more competently.  I teach "the course".  Best of luck !!!

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